Arc V Finale - Let Memories Make You Stronger

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Third Person POV

Dustin was tossed onto the ground again and had a heel lodged into his shoulder. Just about everyone minus the young boys was all beaten and swollen at this point. Evelynn then tosses Dustin again but this time to the little pile that she made.

Evelynn: Oh, I love tossing around tough boys. There's something so satisfying about making them feel small and like a little sissy.

Dustin: B-bitch... I still got...

Using one of her lashers, Evelynn smacks Dustin across the face. Treyvon attempts to get up but the other lasher slashes him across the knee, forcing him back down. Evelynn then licks her lips as she turns to Sonya's brothers.

Evelynn: Stay right there darlings. I'll have my fun with these lovely sheep before making you all men.

Marco: Whore...

Evelynn turns back and smirks a little.

Evelynn: Can't blame a girl for having some fun. Besides, they'll be learning to grow up much faster. Don't worry, I won't kill them. Not yet anyway.

She then slowly points at Marco.

Evelynn: Eenie...

She then points to Dustin.

Evelynn: Meenie...


Evelynn: Miney...

And then finally Sonya.

Evelynn: Mo~.

Sonya's youngest brother, Nathan gets out one of his Nerf guns and shoots Evelynn in the head.

Nathan: Leave her alone!

The Agony Demon slowly turns her head toward him and grins. The poor boy was then charmed by her Allure and made to walk toward her. With her ear facing the group, she knew one of them was about to move but not two. Dustin turns over and throws one of Nancy's snowglobes at her but she catches it effortlessly. Treyvon then trips her over and proceeds to put her in a headlock. Pablo, Helene, and Marco then grab her lashers and hold her in place. Sonya then grabs the nearby baseball bat and beats Evelynn in the face with it. This only made her laugh though and she held up her hands. Suddenly, everyone but Sonya lost control of their bodies and was forced to let go of Evelynn.

Evelynn: I love the teamwork everybody but I am on a schedule.

Evelynn eyes Sonya like candy and licks her lips. Sonya then drops the bat and beelines it for the front door. Evelynn just held her hand toward her and put her under the blood manipulation at well. This did free Marco though as he was the furthest from the second hand.

Evelynn: Now now everyone, sit still and let me do my work. I want to make that boy suffer when he returns. He's the only one who can truly threaten me after all.

Marco then dashes to get himself in between Sonya and Evelynn.

Marco: Sonya, run!

The moment he was between them he had freed Sonya, allowing her to run. This miffed Evelynn a bit but she decided to have some fun. She forces Marco to turn around and lead her outside. Both see Sonya hop into Treyvon's car and start it up. Evelynn tilts her head in confusion as she got in front of Marco. Her attempt to grab Sonya with the blood magic failed which again miffed her.

Evelynn: So odd that you would waste your life for her. She's just one person after...

Evelynn then looks back to Marco for a moment, then back to the car as it disappeared into the night. Finally, she slowly looked back at Marco with a sinister grin. With great force, she threw Marco back onto the front porch. When he managed to get himself up enough to look, Evelynn was gone.

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