Arc IV - Chapter 34

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Jarvan IV started a campaign to claim pretty much all of Demacian territory from all outside forces. That was two weeks ago. I've just been locked in these private chambers with occasional visits from Teemo and Kai'sa who gave me updates on what was going on. That bandit camp they robbed was completely destroyed within the first few days. I was eventually questioned about Sylas' last known location and being the smart person that I am, I told them that he was up north in the Freljord. Jarvan was pretty quick to establish a defensive position with plenty of petricite to combat all the magic he'll have at his disposal.

While I was safe just staying here and making sure Teemo and Kai'sa follow Jarvan's orders, I couldn't help but feel like a bird in a cage. This is almost... no, it's exactly like what my stepmom wanted. The only difference is that Jarvan hates me and my stepmother doesn't. All I did most days was watch my gold go up and my EXP bar move. I wasn't gain much at all which means Kai'sa and Teemo weren't being given much to do. I wish I could go out and get them some items though. I'm sitting here with over one hundred seventeen thousand six hundred gold. That much I got from the three hundred fifty I make every minute. I entertained myself with that math for a minute.

My thoughts and vision were pulled from the window to the door as I heard someone open it.

Lux: Hi.

Y/N: Hey.

Lux comes inside with a tray of food that she sets down on the table.

Lux: Finally found some time to visit. Things are actually really hectic out there.

Y/N: Really?

She nods and sits down on the chair opposite of the one I sit in.

Lux: Turns out there were more bandit camps. We can't figure out why there are so many though.

I can render a guess. Since this is like a war, the enemy would have an endlessly spawning army just like the Noxian fleet during the Ionian Invasion. Best not to tell her that though.

Y/N: Are Teemo and Kai'sa alright?

Lux: Everyone seems to be on good terms with Teemo. For some reason, it feels like I know a lot about him.

That's a weird statement... Teemo doesn't have any lore that connects him to Demacia, right? Unless Riot isn't telling us something he shouldn't.

Lux: Kai'sa has been... well, she's a lone wolf. She gets the job done fast and efficiently. We had to start sending Shyvana and Poppy with her just to make sure she didn't take a whole army of bandits alone.

Kai'sa is probably the only champion in our group that doesn't need items to work well. A decade of constant combat and survival has caused her to learn and adapt pretty quickly. I know she fought Quinn the day we were forced to serve Demacia but... Quinn is far from being strong. If I'm remembering correctly, she got beat by two nameless thugs. Completely betrays the fact she's one of the more annoying toplaners.

Y/N: She's a tough fighter. If you knew her history, Demacia would be more scared of her as a person rather than her magic.

Lux: I already am and I have plenty to worry about myself.

As I began to dig into the nice food and tea I was given I found myself relaxing quite a bit. Being stuck here did help me think about what happened back home. I think I know a way that could possibly get both of my moms on the same page if only for certain events. I'll definitely need help though.

Lux: So uh... you might have a few visitors soon.

Y/N: Who?

Lux: Well, I know Garen wants to see you. Shyvana definitely wants to see you. Fiora mentioned giving it some thought.

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