Arc IV - Chapter 19

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Teemo POV

I don't think I could wheeze any louder. That whole Student-Teacher relationship thing was hilarious. Minus the part where the teacher knew who we were. That was just awkward. I am glad she knew though. Cause it one; shows that not everyone is an idiot and two; may ease the burden of knowing what Y/N's life is about. What I find weird though is why Marco chose Rakan of all people. I know I haven't been the best when it comes to revealing and sharing stuff but at the very least, I'm not horrible.

Marco: And that's why I use it as blackmail.

Rakan: I don't know what that means but if it means the mail is black, it's probably burnt.

Okay, that one made me laugh. It also made me mentally groan. I swear Rakan is a giant dancing manchild.

Teemo: I don't really see you as the type to blackmail someone though. Not unless they're actually your enemy.

Marco: Not really but Dustin would never live down the Persona Five Kawakami speedrun joke. That will haunt him for the rest of his days.

Rakan: He'd be haunted by that anyways. After all, he's the young guy in a mature relationship.

Marco chuckled when he said mature. Though it was kinda funny, his face quickly turned serious.

Marco: When you get to speak with him about his love life Rakan, do be careful. Sonya may be the one to slug people daily but Dustin's fuse is much shorter than hers on this topic.

Rakan: Alright but why do you want me to check on him? He seems alright to me.

Marco: A smile on the surface can conceal a lot of pain. I just want to make sure he's alright. He'd never admit he was having a problem but everyone's behavior is caused by one reason or another.

Rakan nods and we finally arrive at Y/N's house. To my knowledge, the girls and Y/N should be here. I may or may not have snuck a peek at them just to see how things were going. Hopefully, things go well tomorrow and Y/N's school festival memory is fully realized. The only issue is that they do in fact have school tomorrow and finals will be starting soon. There may not be time for a first date this month! Well, not on my watch.

If Petra already knows about us then surely she can be convinced to be more lenient with her best student. Just gonna throw my opinion out there, Y/N and Marco are probably gonna be the only ones who can pass without studying. I don't know about Sonya though. I'm sure she can get some help though. Just as we reach the door, someone clears their throat behind us. When we turn around we see Kai'sa and her suit reverting to its little not here state.

Marco: You took your time.

Kai'sa: That person I was meeting with was a little harder to find. I also needed to make sure the guinea pig would be alright for the trip.

Rakan: Who'd you take it to anyway?

Kai'sa then looks over to Marco.

Kai'sa: Remember that elderly woman I spoke with at that... Starbucks...?

Marco: Ah, I remember.

Kai'sa: She had mentioned that her husband needed something to care for and cherish now that their grandchild was no longer living with them.

Let's hope they can get their living arrangements soon then. We didn't exactly sell these things with cages or guides. We then stepped inside save for Marco who stood outside.

Marco: My house isn't far so I'm gonna head home now.

Kai'sa: Do you need an escort? It's bad to be wandering around at night.

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