Arc V - Chapter 14

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When we reached the top of the tower or rather what was left of it, we attempted to scout out a potential exit out of Noxus. Unfortunately, this mist had other plans and had obscured most of the view past the fifth set of buildings.

Teemo: You wouldn't happen to know if they have flying ghouls, right?

Y/N: I don't remember. Even if they did, I'm sure the regular ghouls would be preferred. They have sheer numbers and never tire out. If they knew we were here, they'd probably climb the walls of the tower directly to us.

Teemo: That's not a horrifying sight or anything.

While most of the ghouls have gone down in a few hits, they come in such numbers that regular attacks are risky, at least for Rakan who is solely locked to a short-ranged and melee. Thanks to the Light Pistol, my issue was solved though I don't know if it runs on ammo. I don't think Riot ever addressed how these things work. Lucian never seemed to reload so I should be good. I glance over to Rakan who was setting Riven down against the wall.

Rakan: Doesn't seem like she'll wake up any time soon. Without mana, I can't tend to these wounds. A big screw you if you ask me.

I was half tempted to ask Teemo if he had anything to heal her with but opted not to since he focuses on destruction most of the time. Then I remembered what Aurelion Sol said to me a little bit ago which made me glance down on my mark. This thing must have some sort of healing magic, right? It was worth a shot.

Y/N: Let me check something.

Rakan scoots back as I kneel in front of Riven and hold my hand toward her.

Teemo: I don't think binding her is gonna work right now mister I need to-

Y/N: I'm trying something else.

I did what I was taught by Irelia and attempted to try and heal Riven with my mark. This thing has all the magic in the world, right? If I was going to have an issue, it would be...

Y/N: Just what I thought.

Rakan: What's wrong?

Y/N: I'm trying to use my mark to heal her but I'm barely getting a reaction. The cons of having too much magic I guess.

Teemo: You can't really expect that to work on the first try, right?

Y/N: Better to check and see now then try later. Miracles do happen after all.

Teemo shrugs before we all stop in place. What sounded like a banshee scream echoed across the part of the city we were in and there was a bit of rumbling. When we looked out, we saw a horde of ghouls pouring across the city, sweeping any survivors into the mist for them to be consumed. It was horrifying...

Y/N: Normally, I wouldn't really care for these people. I just... kinda learned to look at them as NPCs but since Demacia...

Teemo: Listen. If this Ruination thing was supposed to happen, that means a lot of people were literally made to die. There's not much you can do about it bud.

It still hurt. With the perspective change, these people who are prisoners like the champions deserve better. I knew being a hero wouldn't be easy but it seems as if things are really just trying to get me to do something else.

Rakan: Does anyone mind telling me who that is?

When I glanced at Rakan, I followed where he was pointing and saw a lone figure standing in the street in front of us.

Y/N: Oh crap...

Rakan: What does oh crap me- WOAH!

Rakan barely had enough time to dodge the bullet speeding toward him. The situation immediately became worse.

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