Arc IV - Chapter 31

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I had been awake for like two hours and things were already going south... I think? It was hard to tell. Teemo and Kai'sa seemed to be planning something, but I had no idea what. All I know is that I'm now a prisoner in the Mageseeker complex with Petricite cuffs on. At least it's not like the prison they put Sylas in. You'd think they'd know better after the Sylas stuff. These things are supposed to nullify the use of magic but it actually absorbs and stores it. The strangest part? I was not affected by it. I didn't feel anything being siphoned and the Legends Binding mark was still in full effect. I also had access to all my stuff. The only thing that changed was the scenery.

I didn't like that it was dark with a few rays of the evening sunlight. I especially didn't like all the dirty looks I was being given. Once more I was stuck in a situation I had no control in. Ran from one and into the arms of another. I sat on the wooden board that would be my bed and got lost in my thoughts. Obviously, I need to figure out the timeline. Sylas doesn't appear to be here so he may be in the Freljord right now. The part that has me confused is Teemo and Poppy. They shouldn't have any connections yet they do. Things could've played out very differently of course but it's still weird. Poppy even knew about Lulu.

This brings me to Teemo's reaction. He seemed... frightened by just the mention of her name. There's no way he visited Lulu in our last trip together and he seems to have lost most of his weird Yordle Magic. Not once has he opened a portal since I bound him. That would be a really weird limitation he has just for being bound. That does tell me that this thing limits the champions though. Wait, if I went and bound someone like Aatrox he'd be nowhere near his full power. Not that it helps us beat him, but it gives me an idea of how strong the binding part is.

The voice then gets my attention and I look toward the bars.

Y/N: Garen?

Garen: I came to ask you some questions. That is if you are willing.

In my position, I'm allowed to say no and go back to sleep, or at least try and go back to sleep. That's not who I am though and this could prove useful later.

Y/N: Go ahead.

Garen: Your female companion. She knows things that no one else should. Is she the only one that knows?

Y/N: It was actually me that provided her with that information.

Not exactly but it may as well be true given the circumstances.

Garen: I see. That would mean you are quite knowledgeable about things. Perhaps even about events that happened before your arrival here. For example, my sister's planned wedding with King Jarvan IV.

Y/N: I am. She didn't show up. Can I ask a question in response?

Garen: Go ahead.

Y/N: A voice influenced you to ask these questions, right?

Garen raised a single eyebrow before slowly nodding. These questions were too specific to just be random. This voice still eludes me though.

Y/N: What did it say?

Garen: A group of travelers you know not but know much of you will change your world forever.

That's... only somewhat helpful. Obviously, it meant Garen would meet us as we know just about everything in his life. That last part confused me though. What does it mean by change your world forever?

Garen: It came to me in a dream recently. At first, I didn't think much of it but when your friend presented that information, I knew it was important. Are you familiar with this voice?

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