Arc IV - Chapter 7

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On the way home, I stop and get myself and Kai'sa a milkshake. This was more for me than her but since she was with me, I figured I'd do something nice for her. When I walked out of the shop and into a little out-of-view spot, Kai'sa appeared and watched me very closely.

Kai'sa: You're shaken up. Did it go well?

Y/N: I'd rather not talk about it now. It's really important so everyone will need to hear it.

 She nods and then eyes the extra milkshake I had. As I extend it over to her, she eagerly took it.

Y/N: Thirsty?

Kai'sa: Not really. I took it quickly so I can get you home sooner. What is it?

Y/N: Strawberry milkshake. Don't drink it too fast or you'll get a brain freeze.

Kai'sa cocks a brow at me which entertains me a little. She may think it's actually serious so she may not drink it fast. I then begin the trek home with her tailing me as usual. Thankfully, her invisibility extended to the cup as well. Would've been really funny and awkward to have a cup following me from a distance. As I was walking, I stop at a bench and decide to just sit down and breathe. It's not very often I get a moment of peace now. I don't think I can count sleeping as that is a mandatory thing and I may not even gain anything from it. Hope Kai'sa is okay with waiting. Having now made that bet with my stepmom, I'm worried I just pushed myself into a corner I can't get out of. The worst part was knowing that I'll have to break the news to the champions when I get home. Teemo and Rakan are going to seriously be pressured by this as well.

God, what have I done...?

???: Seems like you made a mistake if you're sitting on a bench.

I look up at who spoke and see Marco who then proceeds to sit next to me.

Y/N: How did you find me?

Marco: I just know how to. A useful skill I picked up over the years.

Should've figured.

Marco: So, lay it on me. What did you do wrong?

Y/N: I'm... I've put a lot of pressure on the situation. I made a bet with Mama that if I lose...

Marco: I see.

Y/N: But I didn't even-

Marco: Let me just be honest, man. This was going to happen eventually. There was just no telling when. I for one am glad it's happening sooner rather than later.

I do agree that it would happen and I understand why he feels that way. It still really bothers me though.

Y/N: Marco, do you think Bailey will hate them?

Marco: If you think your father is feeding her things like they're monsters or something, you're probably right. Your father has turned into a coward.

Y/N: Hey!

Marco: Don't try and defend him. When things started to fall apart with your mother, he actually tried to reason with her. The moment things didn't work out, his mindset changed. Instead of trying to accept things that cause him fear, he tries to push them as far as possible and convince his kids that they're bad.

I couldn't help but grit my teeth in frustration. The worst part is that I didn't know who I was more frustrated at. Papa has changed a lot. For better or worse I couldn't tell. That's probably what upset me the most, actually.

Marco: When are they coming?

Y/N: Thursday.

Marco: Then you have enough time.

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