How's the Story So Far? Part 6

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No Vi joke? None at all? 31 chapters and not a single damned joke about Vi. The fact that I got away with this arc without a single one of those either tells me that I'm lucky or you readers might be not funny people. Forgettable insults aside, I've think you all have noticed a running theme with the arcs at this point. What happens when someone who is currently emotionally unstable kills his first ever person, regardless if they are a (literal) monster or not? This is coming off said someone's constant emotional struggles at the end of the previous two arcs.

Nothing like a little bit of drama and emotional instability to make things interesting, am I right? Well, get use to it cause we gotta keep it rolling in the next arc. It's about time we delve deeper into what the mark is and what it can do as well and what horrible consequences it can have if used incorrectly. Also, more Evelynn. Gotta give her and Riven some character development now. Yes, I blatantly ignored Riven for a good portion of her screen time so far as she suffers from my constant neglect, both in book and in game. It's kind of a running joke at this point.

Also, I just wanna point this out. We are closing in on the 200th Chapter upload. Once more, I am asking if you're along for the full ride. Running the data through again, 300 may just be the next milestone we hit before the end of the book. There's still a lot to go through but I plan to finish this story no matter what. If people want me to stop, they'll have to kill me first.

I'll be taking a break this week to recover my missed sleep from the last couple of weeks so I can come back strong next week. 

That should be all. Hope you've enjoyed so far and are happy to continue sticking here like honey.

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