Arc III - Chapter 26

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Ahri POV

It took a minute to explain just about everything minus my own personal issues with the recent events. Most of the food was gone cause Y/N was stress eating. Thankfully, Kai'sa didn't let him eat too much. An upset tummy would not sit well with anyone tonight. We ended up having to take him to bed early and after one of my charms, he was out. I'd have to honor that deal a little later than planned.

Kai'sa: I would know much about either of these subjects but I assume the missing adventurer thing is game related.

Ahri: That is the most likely. I remember having to fight them off daily before Y/N arrived. Why they're gone I couldn't even begin to guess. I'd ask Y/N but Thresh is the only thing on his mind right now.

Kai'sa: Speaking of who. This Chain Warden, who and what exactly is he?

Ahri: From what Y/N told me a while back, Thresh was originally a priest I think. He was tasked with safeguarding the horrible secrets of a place called the Blessed Isles. It wasn't a nice job as it isolated him and... isolation does bad things to you.

Kai'sa would know how it feels. The difference between them is that Kai'sa fought off the horrors despite being alone. Thresh embraced it.

Ahri: When a King named Veigo came to the Blessed Isles to revive his deceased wife, Thresh helped him, and... well, he pretty much manipulated everything at that point. He used those dark secrets to turn the Blessed Isles into the Shadow Isles. Making everyone an undead Wraith, including Veigo, the newly crowned Ruined King.

Kai'sa: Undead Wraiths? That doesn't seem like something that would just be allowed to walk around freely.

Ahri: They aren't. Most of, if not all of the wraiths were bound to Veigo but upon his defeat in the Ruination story, they were more or less free. Thresh most of all. He basically has three forms now. A human disguise, his Wraith form, and a mixture of the two. Regardless, he collects the souls of the living within his lantern, adding to his own power and tormenting them for eternity.

Kai'sa: I see.

She gets up and begins walking toward the window. I knew I had to stop her so I latch onto her arms with my tails. She almost made an attempt to pull me with her but she stops and looks back at me.

Kai'sa: Let me go.

Ahri: I can't let you do that. Thresh isn't like anything you've fought before.

Kai'sa: He's a ruthless monster that walks in broad daylight killing people as he pleases. If I don't stop him...

Ahri: You can't. He's too smart and aware of what's going on.

Kai'sa: Aware?

Ahri: He's using full-item builds, making him a much more dangerous opponent.

He's used two sets to my knowledge so far. A full crit build and a full tank build. If he's using the former, he'll down Kai'sa in one hit. The latter is much kinder but the issue becomes a matter of taking him down. With logic in place, he could easily just snap our necks if he catches us, killing us instantly. Y/N has plenty of gold right now but not nearly enough for a full build at least for both me and Kai'sa. He may have enough for one of us though.

Kai'sa: Regardless, he isn't unbeatable, especially within the right environment.

Ahri: Careful Kai'sa. People are already suspicious of me due to the history I have. You may be a complete stranger but your suit gives them something to be wary of.

Kai'sa: A face is all they need to see.

She breaks free from my tails and was ready to exit out the window. This time I go and wrap my arms around her from behind. This one would be a little harder to break from.

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