Arc V - Chapter 17

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Upon walking up the stairs and down a short corridor, we were greeted by a bustling headquarters, filled with numerous Sentinels of Light. None were champions aside from Lucian, Senna, and...

Akshan: You found this group in Noxus? They seem a little far from home if you ask me.

Akshan, The Rogue Sentinel, and Hollywood actor. Seriously, what was Riot thinking when making this guy? He has at least thirty passives in his kit and looks like he belongs in a nineties action film.

Akshan: Especially the chicken man.

Rakan: Hey, chicken tastes good. Especially when you season it just right.

Teemo: Wait, hold on! Is that cannibalism?

For a moment, I looked as if I had an existential crisis just trying to figure this question out.

Rakan: What's cannibalism again?

I shoot a glare at everyone around us, hoping they'd get the message.

Lucian: Nothing important. Besides, we'd like to have a chat with you. You are the leader of this group, right?

???: Of course, he is.

I heard a click next to my head and I just swallowed deeply. Now, I've already committed a sin against League players by playing Teemo. This was the other sin I would sometimes indulge myself in. Toplane Vayne.

Vayne: I can practically feel the magic coming off you.

I hold up my hand and remove my glove very slowly so as to not give her too much of a reason to shoot, at least, immediately. All four Sentinels were drawn to the mark for a moment before Senna shoots me a glance.

Senna: Were you by chance the one who triggered that blast before we arrived?

Y/N: Y-yes but...

Vayne presses her crossbow closer to my head, almost stabbing me with the bolt sticking out.

Lucian: Calm down Shauna. Not everyone you meet is a threat.

Vayne: You know just as well as I do that this mark is too dangerous. We detected it all the way over here twice in a single day.

Rakan: My lady, I'm gonna have to ask you to put the bow thing do-

I attempted to warn Rakan but the moment he reached out to her, she kicked his hand and nearly fired. Akshan managed to stop her though.

Akshan: Easy girl. If you have the attitude to kill stuff, go outside and kill some ghouls. There are plenty of em.

Vayne scoffs at him and puts away her crossbow. After a dirty glance at me, she walks away. And like that every toplane player, I have learned the error of my ways. She is way scarier up close. Senna signs and holds out her hand.

Senna: That pistol you have. I'd like for you to return it.

Y/N: Oh, sure.

As I pull it out and hand it to her, she inspects it. After a moment, she looks back up at me with a more serious glance.

Senna: You didn't answer my husband's question.

Y/N: You could say that I am.

Teemo: No, he's definitely the leader. That mark is kinda binding us to him minus Riven here.

Naturally, people were confused but no one questioned it openly.

Senna: What is your relation to Thresh and the Ruined King?

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