Arc IV - Chapter 21

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School was difficult, to say the least, but that's only because we had to start learning and studying for our final exams. If we pass, we graduate. This was cause for concern as me and Marco had pretty solid chances. Dustin was probably alright, his grades aren't that bad. Sonya was the cause for concern though. She's basically only managed to get this far because Marco and I have helped her. I'm not annoyed by it though. I like helping Sonya every chance I get. The only issue now was the date we had planned. As much as I wanted to go on it as soon as possible, I needed to make sure she could pass.

So of course, the first day of after-school studying would begin. Obviously, the house we were using was mine. As we were getting ready to leave Carl came up to me with a slightly annoyed expression.

Carl: Sup leaguer.

Y/N: Hey.

It sounded less mocking this time and more akin to how Dustin would say it.

Carl: So, where are we heading to the arcade?

Y/N: Well... See here, there's been a complication.

Carl raised his eyebrow at me as I pointed to Sonya who was busy arguing with Dustin, no doubt about her intelligence.

Carl: You concerned about her grades?

Y/N: That and something else... She uh...

Carl watched me closely for a moment. I'm fairly certain I made all the signals as to what I was gonna say. He didn't notice and was clearly annoyed I was hesitating.

Y/N: Asked me out on a date...

Carl: Oh.

He then scratches the back of his head as he looked away.

Carl: That kinda works out.

Y/N: R-really?

Carl: See... I may have gotten myself a date too...?

Y/N: Oh. That is... actually really good.

It gives us both time to spend with our girls. Not gonna tell him I have two though. I'd hate to piss him off with something else that wasn't in my control. I mean, it was but it wasn't.

Carl: So, how about we try for Sunday?

Y/N: I think that'll work.

Carl: Alright. Until then.

As he begins to walk away, it strikes me.

Y/N: Hey uh, would you like help with studying?

He looks back at me and shakes his head.

Carl: You'd be surprised how well my grades are. I think I'll be fine.

Y/N: Okay. Good luck with your studies.

Carl: Yeah, you too.

With that, he finally leaves me and joins James and Travis. My friends then came over and joined me with Sonya giving me a big hug.

Sonya: Oh, it's so good to recharge my battery.

Y/N: Feels good too but... not too hard, please...

She releases me with a nervous laugh which made Dustin chuckle.

Dustin: Maybe one day she'll understand her own strength.

Marco: Doubt it.

Y/N: Let's save the talk for the walk home. We have a lot of studying to do.

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