Arc V - Chapter 13

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Thanks to Jarold, we got back to my house pretty quickly. It was somewhat awkward though as he had no idea who Rakan or Teemo was aside from seeing Lobo and Bob. This was also quite urgent which he didn't question but was no doubt concerned about. Once inside, we all bolt up the stairs and wait for my PC to boot up.

Teemo: Alright boys, let's draw some bets. Where do you think we're going this time?

Y/N: Firstly, I'm not interested. Secondly, I hope it's somewhere that isn't a significant problem. This needs to be fast, as in a week fast.

Rakan: Well I'm betting on the ocean. Do you know how much filth you find out there?

Teemo: Hold up, he's kinda right though.

I don't know if I have Thassalphobia and quite frankly I don't want to find out. Bilgewater could be a place we go but that doesn't exactly seem like the best place to be either what with all the pirates and criminals. Would be pretty cool to sail the ocean on a ship though. Once my PC was on, I open up League and see that I received a message from the Secret Rioter.

Y/N: When was the last time they messaged me first?

Teemo: Make it quick. I'd rather not find out if Evelynn is coming.

I give the message a quick read and honestly, I felt a bit of a shudder.

Secret Rioter: Congratulations DaSauceGod. You managed to survive The Ancient Fear Fiddlesticks. Before you ask, I'm able to see just about everything that happens within the game. I would also like to mention that you're one of the few that have come this far.

That's messed up... It's possible that this Secret Rioter and that Voice are the same person but as of right now, there's no way to confirm this. For all I know, the Secret Rioter is actually an employee of Riot, and the Voice is just a future champion they plan to release. Now to address the elephant in the room.

DaSauceGod: There were other players?

Secret Rioter: A while ago, yes. However, players either began to back away or were killed ingame.

It could be possible that they had their own marks, maybe even their own champions.

DaSauceGod: Why reveal this to me?

Secret Rioter: Think of it as a warning.

DaSauceGod: A warning?

Secret Rioter: You play video games, don't you? The journey only gets harder the further you go.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised. If so few players have made it this far then that means things are going to get unpredictable. I'll have to be extra careful this run.

DaSauceGod: Thanks for the warning. Have a good day.

Secret Rioter: You're welcome. Good luck on this run.

As I close the message tab, I couldn't help but hesitate on queuing up for a game.

Rakan: You alright?

Y/N: Staggered but fine overall. At least I'm able to confirm that there were people that came before me.

Teemo: That doesn't sound good.

Y/N: It isn't. I'm also unsure about who the Secret Rioter is and if they are actually that voice in the game.

Rakan: Think you got enough voices to deal with?

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