Arc VI - Chapter 14

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Having Kai'sa hold me as close as she did helped me fall asleep a lot faster. Despite that though, it was gonna be a little bit before I started feeling better. I couldn't even avoid coughing and sneezing in my sleep or more accurately, in the realm A-Sol pulls my mind too.

Y/N: Achoo!

That one shot some snot. Geez, I really got it bad.

Aurelion Sol: I'll never understand why you mortals make that sound. Surely, your self control isn't that lacking.

Y/N: Well, you know us humans. Don't exactly dictate everything that happens to us.

I sneezed again, this time almost causing myself to fall back. A-Sol sighs while shaking his head.

Aurelion Sol: Every time I open my eyes, there's another thing I don't understand about you humans.

Y/N: We couldn't understand you either. We're from two completely different worlds after all.

Aurelion Sol: A fair point I suppose. Now, on the subject of business.

As I stood up, I found myself a little wobbly for some reason. I felt a little strange but not uncomfortable. Could just be Kai'sa's grip on my real body.

Y/N: Is there anything you can tell me right off?

Aurelion Sol: Besides the fact that this Voice is not from this fabricated reality, no.

Y/N: This is all you can confirm?

Aurelion Sol: Nowhere in my own memories do I recognize this voice and I've met every living soul here at least once.

Okay, that narrows it down. Unfortunately, I don't know of anything in our world that could grant someone this amount of power. Hacking and being god in a game is one thing but dragging people into it is something else entirely. If it isn't from Runeterra either then I have no idea. I look down at my mark as I try to put together everything. It was Xanders and Culvix who I guess sealed this Voice away for a bit. If I reenter the game and find them, I may be able to get the information I need. The issue, obviously, is finding one of them. Culvix appears to only show up in Ionia and apparently Bilgewater. No idea why he avoids the main continents but I obviously won't find him there. Xanders can be found anywhere but that doesn't mean he'll always show.

I've got a funny feeling I won't see either for a few runs anyways. I hope I'm wrong. All of a sudden, the coolness I felt from my cold went away and was replaced by a very warm feeling. It was nice, really nice. Couldn't stop coughing and sneezing though.

Y/N: We do know what this Voice is capable of but I'm unable to figure out what the motive is. Clearly, they want to kill me. So much so that it grants champions the ability or helps them break the games boundaries.

Aurelion Sol: The Legends Binding Mark is at the center of it all. That I don't doubt. That amount of power cannot be allowed to roam free forever, especially if the creator wants it back.

If I recall, the voice referred to me as another experiment? This would mean that the others that came before me were also experiments. If I had to guess, it was too test this mark rather than the person. This would better link the Voice to the Secret Rioter but that isn't entirely confirmed. They could simply be two other people working together... Or maybe, the Secret Rioter isn't just one person. I was going to need a lot more help if that was the case.

Y/N: If you have any input on who I should bind for my third champion for my gold rank, please tell me.

Aurelion Sol: I would suggest a Targonian but given their position and the inconsistency of this place, you would be hard pressed to actually bind one of them. That's also considering that you would land anywhere near or survive Targon itself. While there are beings of similar power, you'd still more than likely have to fight them.

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