Arc I - Chapter 9

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It was always nice to enjoy being in a public space. I'm not so much an introvert due to what I like to do so I can in fact enjoy being outside. I was a little awkward yes, but I can still enjoy the good food. Part of me felt bad for Irelia buying me that food since I'm basically rich. I'm almost a ten thousand. I can buy a bunch of items now. Might just make this the strategy. Stay in a safe zone and take small and odd jobs will my money slowly rises. I can actually get some enjoyment out of just being in League. However, I doubt I'll find anything here that will make me want to stay. Earth is where I have friends and loved ones.

A sigh escapes my lips as I take a sip of my drink.

Irelia: You seem a little gloomy.

Y/N: Sorry. Just thinking to myself.

Irelia: Worried about your relative?

Y/N: Y-yeah...

That's not entirely untrue. I am worried about my sister. What'll she do once if she founds out her big brother has gone missing? My friends my already know and are looking for me. I wish I had someway to communicate with them. My phone isn't on me and I doubt I'd get a signal here. The sun was beginning to set and that means this might be the last time I see Irelia. I kinda want her to stick around but at the same time, I don't want to be near her. I can't tell if she's friendly to me or not. The outline she gets when I look at her may indicate something I'm not aware of yet. I am curious though...

Y/N: If you don't mind me asking. Why did you help me?

Irelia: Why did I help you? Too be honest, I'm not quite sure. You... seem different.

Y/N: That's... interesting...

Could she tell I'm not from here or is there something about me that I haven't noticed yet? Maybe some of the things that apply to me apply to her. I won't push for answers like that since it would be really weird.

Irelia: The festival is going to do a big show at the end. It might be a while before we see each other again but I promise to help find your relative.

Y/N: Thank you for everything.

She smiles and nods before getting up and walking into the crowd. After finishing my food and drink, I head on over to Xanders again so that I can drop a fat load of gold on him. The items I end up getting this time are Stormrazor, Galeforce and Spirit Visage. He didn't questions how I was able to get the supposed nine hundred gold so I'm thankful for not having to make up a lie for once. I ended up spending the last of my gold on potions. Now that I'm a little more stacked, I decided to see if I gained any of the stat numbers from the items. I did, thankfully but only when I have them equipped.

Seeing that my physical appearance doesn't change like my weapons do, I slap on Spirit Visage. Now I just needed to learn how to use these two weapons. Galeforce was a bow and Stormrazor was a katana. Swinging it around wouldn't be hard but Galeforce on the other hand would be a challenge. Not to mention, I would still have to face Ahri. Unless there was a training ground here in the Placidium, then I would have to go out to train and that means risking my life again. I start taking deep breaths as I feel another panic attack approaching. I don't think I'll ever get use to this and really, I don't want too.

Fighting is to stressful and I try to not be violent. I know I can't solve everything with words or running away, but still. I'd rather feel like a wuss rather than a murderer. Unfortunately, I'd be stuck here the whole time if I didn't defeat Ahri. I don't want to kill her, I just want her to know I mean her no real harm. Well, I'm gonna end up harming her most likely, I mean I already did but that's besides the point. She won't stop hunting me anyways so I need to do something about that. Being stuck in one place on Runeterra is not on my to do list.

A Brand New Legend Pt 1. (A League of Legends Isekai Story)Where stories live. Discover now