How's the Story So Far? Part 3

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You know the rules and so do I! Am I really going to do this after every arc? Yes I am, cause it's best to always check in with you guys (mostly morti though.)

Also, I noticed one thing a few minutes ago. Before the last chapter got uploaded, this thing was like rank 8 on lol tag. It is currently rank 1. All just from one chapter? I do not understand how Wattpad works sometimes but it is whatever I guess. Now, lemme quickly talk about some things before I let you go. There probably won't be a hiatus and all my other books will continue to suffer the lack of attention. Thank you, readers and morti for doing this to me. Too much passion for one thing leads to results like this. Second, this would be the 87th upload for this book. Not counting it, the last two parts and the Important message at the beginning, that would make it 83 chapter uploads. That's just for three arcs. We aren't even halfway done. If I had to give a close estimate as to when this thing will finish...

I can't honestly too you. This arc was a little drawn out which is a my bad but it worked out. (Was supposed to be 26 but turned into 31.) Why is that though? Well, you see my dear reader it's all about the most important part of this book. The Characters and their Growth. I need to take the proper amount of time to develop who I can and since Y/N and the Champions are the main MAIN cast, I have to spend a lot of time with him. So I bet that makes you wonder, whose idea was this?

That would be me. morti gave me the blueprints and the basis for the book but he gave me free rein to do what I want with its plot. There is a list of champions that I'm supposed to include and I've done 3 of them. Y/N was supposed to have a set personality and I've done just that while incorporating the much-needed development. Aurelion Sol was also supposed to play a role in the story and I took the time to refine the idea of his role as he's way too important to let languish as Riot did until recently. Everything else has been by my design.

Guess what! It's still mortizhern6's book.

Let's go ahead and answer a few questions. I said 3 champions from the list had been done but who's the extra? Rakan is. See, Teemo is morti's main so it was only natural for him to get in due to (totally not) bias. Since I sub-main Rakan and the list has very few male champions, I decided to add in some more. How exactly were these champions and Rakan picked? For morti's list, I never asked and will never bother asking. His blueprint, his reasons so I will work with them to the best of my abilities. For Rakan though, he is actually important to the story as more and more will be revealed. Obviously, the story has been rather easy to follow these past 3 arcs but also obviously, there's a fuck ton going on in the back. What I have to do is find the balance between character progression and plot progression. Something I've had plenty of time to learn these past 2 years I've been writing.

The second question I'll address will probably upset some of you and if it does, oh well, you brought it on yourselves. This was the invasion of Ionia story with the Kinkou Order involved. She was involved in the second invasion and answered Irelia's call so... where the heck was Akali? I really hope Balasubas doesn't read this ever but it's time to stop. You guys went on and on about K/DA and how it'd be cool to have the group of girls here. Dancing, music, and hot anime Riot girls! Whelp, I gave you guys a warning to reel in your expectations and you didn't listen. So because of you, I ended up removing Akali from this arc to avoid stupid skinline shenanigans. This is a VANILLA LEAGUE book and there will not be any skins used PERIOD. If you have a problem with that, oh well, don't read the book. Akali isn't on the list therefore is side character material like most unlisted champions will be.

Is that mean and/or petty? Yes, it is but if readers are going to be annoying and not listen then whose fault is it really? I actually had some plans for Akali and she may have even been a bound champion. However, loud mouths tend to get fed last.

Now that I got that weight off my chest, Arc IV will probably start tomorrow. Work days have been long as few are coming in and I need stuff to do that isn't gaming.

Hope you've enjoyed the book so far and are eager to see more. (And understand my annoyance.)

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