Arc IV - Chapter 35

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Marco POV

Since it had been two days and Ahri seemed to be restless at least according to Sonya, the girls decided to gang up with Petra and go have a girl's night out. This left me, Dustin, and Rakan to watch Bailey. More specifically, I got to watch the absolutely amazing show I'm currently witnessing.

Rakan: Princess! The Horse of Dankness is coming! We must protect the plush children!

Bailey: Not the plush babies! Knight, you must defend them with all your might. I must escort them to safety.

Bailey had a tiara on while Rakan wore cardboard armor. Meanwhile... Pfft, this was so funny. Dustin for some reason had enough old newspapers to make an extra pair of legs so he'd look more like a horse.

Dustin: Fear me citizens of Plushie World! For it is I, the Horse of Dankness! Here I am to take all the plush things away until it is no longer... Plushie World!

Bailey: Knight, you have to stop them!

Rakan: By your order Princess! I will gladly do battle with that horse! I'll even try to ride it!

Dustin: No you will not!

Of course, it's Dustin that breaks character first. Bailey's fit of laughter as Rakan tried to mount or rather ruin Dustin's newspaper horse half kinda had me laughing as well. This is what we've been reduced to. High School graduates babysitting for a friend and doing silly stuff like this. This isn't exactly boy's night out material but it is something fun. I could totally see this group going to karaoke one day, getting wasted, and singing songs so badly one or all of us will wish we were deaf. Since Dustin and Rakan were finished with their roughhousing I go and send Sonya a text asking what their current status was.

They were just about to finish up with their dinner and head back so we were gonna have to start cleaning soon. There was something of concern in the text though. According to Petra, Ahri seemed off. Apparently, James said the same thing to Sonya a couple of days ago. Sonya was getting worried and Ahri would never give a straight answer. I simply told her to come on back here and see if we can figure things out together.

Marco: Alright guys. We gotta clean up. They're about to start heading this way.

Bailey: Ah but I wanna keep playing.

Marco: It's almost time for bed.

Rakan: He's right, princess. If you wanna grow up nice and strong one of the steps is making sure you have a good sleep schedule.

That's rich coming from the bird man who's over a hundred years old and refuses to go to bed on time. Magic sure does make everything more convenient, huh?

Rakan: Come on. Let's get you tucked in and I'll tell you a bedtime story.

Bailey: I don't need bedtime stories silly.

Rakan: Oh, but you do! I've got one you'll love to hear.

Dustin: Can I come listen to it as well?

Bailey/Rakan: No.

Damn, rejected and dejected. Looks like the Horse of Dankness will have to wait for his revenge plot in season two. Rakan picks the princess up from her little plushie castle and takes her upstairs while me and Dustin get the living room cleaned up.

Marco: You see the chat yet?

Dustin: Just did. Starting to think we're missing something here. Ahri is a Champion from Runeterra with her own lore and story.

Marco: When you put it like that, it does feel like something is missing. Possible lore perhaps?

Dustin: She could be going into her heat. Imagine that.

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