Arc IV - Chapter 5

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Ahri POV

The silence in the living room was deafening. Yeah, the show helped out with that but between me and Sonya, it was awkward. I ended up scratching one of my tails with a single finger, a sign of my anxiousness. Sonya was even bouncing her leg and refused to look in my direction. I... wasn't sure how to feel about this... One thing is for certain though. This silence has to end.

Ahri: So...

Sonya: Yeah...

Progress. Not a lot but progress.

Ahri: You uh... love him too...?

Sonya: Yeah... for a while now, actually...

Ahri: I guess I didn't notice... Funny, the one girl who can read people's emotions and I couldn't read yours.

Sonya: Is that such a bad thing though?

She pulls her knees up to her chest and holds them close. She then laid her head on them and looked toward me. Confusion riddled her emotions and concern covered her face. I honestly felt bad but I couldn't help how I feel.

Ahri: What makes you say that?

Sonya: You know... people always focus on how they feel about someone and never consider how others might... It's so... selfish but so human at the same time...

Ahri: Is it really selfish though? Loving someone and giving your time to them?

Sonya: I don't know... I just don't know...

I stop scratching my tail and instead hold it in my arms. I could hear just about everyone in the house minus the two in the extra room. Despite that, I could barely make out what they were saying. I was still processing the situation I've been put in.

Ahri: What made you fall in love with him? If you don't mind me asking.

Sonya whistles and uncurls herself, now laying all the way back on the couch.

Sonya: You know how our group came together yet?

Ahri: Not entirely.

Sonya: Whelp, Y/N, and Marco have known each other since childhood. It was grade school if I'm remembering correctly. Y/N I think was playing by himself on the playground before he met with his original bully. Marco stood up for him though and they've been together since. I joined their party in fifth grade. At first, I saw a couple of cute boys and because I'm a hopeless romantic, I wanted to get close to them.

Ahri: That's not a bad thing.

Sonya: Yeah...

She giggles a little and turns her head back toward me.

Sonya: Things didn't go as planned though and Y/N got bullied a lot. You know he's five-nine like Marco, right?

Ahri: Taller than me, I know.

Sonya: Well, I'm five-ten and like a boy, I went through a growth spurt. I've always been taller than them. This is important cause I like small cute things. When he was younger, Y/N was... so so small. He didn't start his growth till like ninth grade. His parents were actually worried he was suffering from dwarfism.

Ahri: But he was a late bloomer.

Sonya: He got a nice glow up in my opinion. I'd wish he'd cut his hair though. He looks like a girl sometimes.

More hair to play with so I technically win.

Sonya: So since I was always taller, I always wanted to protect him and fifth grade was a good place to start being a jock. I've always loved physical activities, not just because I was healthier but because I could protect my friends. Y/N most of all. He was always so sweet.

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