Arc V - Chapter 7

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I groaned for what must be the seventh time this morning. I was so sore and felt as stiff as a rock. Hopefully, Sonya and Treyvon have some sort of idea of how to work that off aside from cold showers. That'll be the first thing I do when I get home since I'll smell like a hospital and the previously mentioned fact that cold showers help with soreness. After I get that done, I'm gonna start planning my next move. Firstly, I need to solve the issue of Bailey. I can't just keep her at my house all the time and... our parents do deserve to see her. I think they've learned enough about how to not ruin her future.

Secondly, I need to plan this arcade visit. It's possible we can head there tomorrow but certainly not today, not in my current condition. The big question is when do I head back to Runeterra? As soon as possible is the smarter option. Last time I checked, I don't need too much more experience to rank up. Then I just need to bind another champion or... kill... one... That idea still bothered me. It was even worse now that I wanted to free them. That's not really freedom, is it?

Whatever I plan to do, I'm on a time limit. I could walk right out this door and Evelynn would be all over me. Nobody would want that unless they're actually a sadist. As I do walk out, Sonya immediately ran up and hugged me, keeping to her word yesterday evening.

Sonya: I missed being able to hug you like this.

Y/N: You hugged me yesterday.

Sonya: That's too long.

She's a dork, but she's my dork.

Marco and the gang then join us, along with... Jarold?

Jarold: Morning sir.

Y/N: Hey. Mind if I ask why you're here?

Jarold: Well, you see... Carolina was hoping I could negotiate Bailey's current residence.

Dustin: We told him it would be fine if she went back so long as Lydia can still see and talk to her. Of course, he was like...

Dustin clears his throat and was no doubt about to do his best Jarold impression. Marco proceeded to cut him off though by bopping him on the back of the head.

Dustin: What was that for?!

Marco: I saw a bug so I turned it into a feature.

Dustin flipped him off in return before feeling for any actual bugs. I then nod to Jarold with a smile.

Y/N: She can go back but I do have one warning for my parents.

Jarold: Understood, sir.

Glad he understands cause I don't feel like repeating myself. This situation is too important to forget and if I have to constantly remind someone about the warnings, they shouldn't be involved anyway. Instead of riding with either Treyvon or Marco, I chose to ride with Jarold. This gave everyone else some space from me and Sonya as we cuddled in the back seat. It certainly felt off without Ahri on my other side. For a brief moment, I felt myself picturing Kai'sa in her place. I had to shake it off though as it felt weird.

Sonya: You okay?

Y/N: Yeah just... I miss Ahri...

Sonya: I do too... I hope she comes back soon.

I hum as I lay my head against her shoulder. She smelt nice... Oh god, did I seriously just think that? Is it wrong for a boyfriend to appreciate that his significant other smells good? No, that's just taking care of your hygiene. Anyone with a brain would appreciate someone smelling good.

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