Arc II - Chapter 23

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While our second Rift Herald went pretty well, our third one was going the opposite of well. It was almost dead but it got some pretty good hits in. It had just smacked me into a wall and was about to charge at me but Teemo tosses a mushroom at its face, making it stop. This gave me time to back out of the fight and make sure my back wasn't broken. I know I've been put through some rocks before but it never hurts to make sure. Unless you are hurting, then in which case it does.

Teemo: A big bug like you can't best a Bandle Scout! Have at thee!

Ever since we got done with the second one, Teemo has been on fire. The fire was fed by the few voidlings we ran into along the way. Despite that small stature and mischievous personality, Teemo is still a force to be reckoned with. He runs underneath the claw swipes and places a mushroom down that explodes into confetti, confusing the Herald. He then pulled out some kind of cylinder thing with a sparkly wrapping on it. Wait, that's fireworks. Does this mean I'm about to see Teemo fly? As it lights the fuse, he aims it toward the Herald and proceeds to miss EVERY shot.

However, this gave me the opportunity to get close and stab the eye as the Herald was too busy trying to avoid getting hit. My run-up was quick thanks to Shoulder Bash though it's not stunned thanks to its Warped Armor passive. This was fine though as I was able to get onto its back and stab the eye. This made it scream really loudly like the last two but I was able to endure the ear pain and get off safely. It then turns around and attempts to charge me into the wall but I avoid it thanks to the long and obvious windup.

Y/N: Got anything else crazy in your black hole?

Teemo: I got a foam sword.

Okay, how can I make that work? Fake out! I hold my hand out and gesture him to hand it over. He tosses it and I catch it. The plan was to stab it in the face as that would do big damage as well. Since an attack like that is easy for anything to deal with since they're very obvious if you want the proper amount of force. The Rift Herald might try and eat my sword since it can totally do that. I run up to it, expecting the big swipe so I space myself out so it would just barely miss and go for the stab. As expected, the Herald bit down on the sword. I could see a look of confusion in its eyes as it realizes something wasn't right. This allowed me to quickly pull out my real sword and stab it in the face for real. While this did do big damage, it wasn't enough to kill it and it smacks me away. As I was recovering, Teemo began to pepper it with darts until it was downed, scoring our three of three Herald takedowns.

"Challenge Complete!"

I see the Resolve Icon followed by the Grasp of Undying icon in the middle of my vision. The Rune page then automatically pulls up. While it was obvious I only had the one tree and keystone, I had all nine slots open. I could only have three activated as usual. With the general setup of things around here, I take Font of Life for the first slot, Bone Plating for the second, and Overgrowth for the third. Overgrowth will trigger a lot throughout a run, Font of Life triggers thanks to my two stuns and Bone Plating will prevent a Champion from bursting me down. Never been happier to have Resolve than now.

Teemo: We done? We can leave now?

Y/N: Yeah, let's go.

Teemo: Good. This place is giving me the heebie-jeebies.

It still confuses me how we're not affected by the corrupting atmosphere. It could be because the game doesn't register it as that or the binding mark is shielding us. Not sure which one I'd pick but I'm betting on the latter. Meeting an unbound champ would give us insight. Meeting any champ that isn't from the Void or Kai'sa or Kassadin here is extremely unlikely. As we began to proceed forward, I check all my stuff. I had nearly ten thousand gold now and was just under a quarter into my Rank EXP. While the Rift Heralds would be good for money and EXP, I don't want to stay here any longer than I have to.

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