Arc II - Chapter 21

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After eating our lunch and finally finishing our homework, the three went on back to their homes as me and Ahri headed out. I was putting a lot of trust in Teemo to not mess the house up. I knew he wouldn't but it pays to make sure. He did terrorize the animals earlier and was modest about it so I expect his house care is just fine. As we entered town I caught myself catching glimpses at Ahri. Since it was a little cool today, she wore a brown jacket, baseball cap, jeans, and sneakers. If I didn't know any better, I'd say I was walking with a criminal. It was interesting to see her in such clothing though. I would expect her to be more formal than casual. Guess I need to change my expectations.

Y/N: So this pet store, you've only been to it once?

Ahri: Yeah. I wanted to visit it Monday before he got home but Teemo happened.

Y/N: Well, now we get to go together.

Ahri smiles at me and nods. Being able to go out with her is nice. I hate the idea of having to keep her inside all the time but she hasn't complained yet. That doesn't mean she has no complaints though.

Y/N: Do you remember all the animals they have?

Ahri: Yep! Each of them with their own voice... except one.

Y/N: Really? How could you not hear it?

Ahri: I still haven't figured that out. It was a bird if you're curious.

A bird? Maybe it's because some birds can mimic voices. I know Ahri can feel emotions from other people and hear the voices of animals but what if an animal has a real voice? That could be why. We then arrive at the spot and I had a smile on my face. This was an animal adoption center, one I had been to a few times. It's one of the few places in Dayton that is amazing to be at. Who doesn't like cute animals that want loving families? Ahri quickly steps inside, leaving me behind. I roll my eyes and go after her very casually. There was no rush after all. As the staff greeted me, I greeted them back and continued following the path Ahri took. She had gone straight for the bird.

Ahri: Pretty bird.

Ari: Ari pretty bird!

I chuckle at the interaction before getting a closer look.

Y/N: His name is Ari?

Ahri: Just a letter off from mine.

Y/N: That's cute.

I see a light blush on Ahri's face which made me feel a certain way. I couldn't really describe it though. All I know is that it made me smile.

Ari: Hey baby bird. You a pretty bird? You a pretty bird?

Ahri: You are a pretty bird.

It was cute and silly how she'd talk to him as if he were human. Better yet, a dog. You know that's weird. Why is it that bats are called air doggos and not birds? They're essentially the same thing. Well, since I was in a pet store and the topic was animals, I went and checked out some of the others. The first place I started was the cats. My dog always questioned why I liked cats more than dogs and it was for one reason, intelligence. Dogs are smart too but they don't use their intellect as a cat does. While cats can be destructive cause of their usage of it, dogs are similarly destructive. It's also easier to take care of the smaller cat than the larger dog.

The one that caught my attention was the black one. The one deemed to be bad luck was also the cutest black splotch in existence. It's so cute, I could pet them for hours. As I was checking them out though, I heard the familiar sound of quinine pig, my second favorite pet. As I headed towards the sound though, I was greeted by a shocking sight.

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