Arc VI - Chapter 16

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Ahri POV

I couldn't even lie to myself. All of me was tired. Keeping this disguise wasn't going to be that hard as I've gotten use to the constant drain but being tired may cause me to be sluggish. I'm sure all the animals will keep me up once I arrive. Maybe I can take a nap with one of those Pit bulls we have. I might only end up coming out more tired than before though as I need to maintain the disguise. It's not impossible to do in my sleep but it would counter the point of sleeping. Guess I'll just have to suck it up for today.  Once I arrive at the Animal Shelter, I clock in and get one good stretch in.

Catherine: You're here early.

I look back at Cat as she walks in and goes to clock in as well.

Ahri: Didn't exactly get a lot of sleep. Thinking about all these poor babies, you know?

Catherine: Try not to let them smother you to death. When we told them you'd be here after you left, they were basically chewing on the bars.

Ahri: Reassuring.

As I finish my stretch, I look toward the door and take a deep breathe. The moment I take a step through that door, I'm going to hear a lot of voices.

Catherine: Hey, before you go in and Issac releases all the animals, can I ask you something real quick?

I turn back so that I may face her properly which is when I notice the sad aura she had.

Ahri: Sure, but is everything alright?

Catherine: W-well, as alright as it can be. I was wondering if you could come with me to visit Carl.

Ahri: I think I can? I have to go buy food for Ahri. The regular bird food and not peanuts.

Catherine: I see.

Judging from her aura, it must be really hard for her to see Carl in his current state. Having someone with her might make things easier for her emotionally. I may even be able too... no, Y/N hasn't made that call yet. It may also be too risky in a public space like that. That's also something we need to address should we go through with removing their memories.

Catherine: Tell you what, I'll buy the food for you and bring it to your house tomorrow morning. My treat, is that alright?

Ahri: Yeah, I can work with that. We should have enough peanuts for Ari during that time.

We have more than enough so long as we don't eat them ourselves. The only one I can see doing that though is Teemo and he'd only do it to spite Ari. His next mushroom recipe is going to include his ass if he does.

Catherine: Alright. Thank you and uh... good luck.

I'm gonna need more than luck. I take another deep breathe and step through the door and to the shelters. Like a series of alarms, the animals went off like nuts. Even the cats in the back were getting up and moving around.

Doberman: She returns! I wanna lick the face!

St. Bernard: There are too many bars! Must have pillow!

Pomeranian: I HAVE A TAIL!

Oh yeah, I'm in trouble. Issac then came in through the other door looking around like there was a fire or something.

Issac: Dear god, they are loud.

Ahri: Yeah, no kidding! Are you sure letting them all out is a good idea?

Issac: It sounded good on paper.

Who wrote on that paper, a five year old?! Issac fights through the wave of noises and let's the first dog out which was the local Great Dane.

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