Arc VI - Chapter 29

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Marco POV

As I walked along the sidewalk, Teemo basically disguised himself as a backpack, complete with a pair of ropes to wrap around my shoulders. All he had to do was not move much and there we go. People were starting to come out more and more, though it was very slow. No information has been posted further about this mysterious killer which I do find odd. Is this Voice playing the long game or is simply dry on reasons. It can't show any faces either, not without coming up with some device that literally blows people into pieces of flesh and splatters their blood everywhere. People here who survived may have seen Evelynn so they could probably shut down anything the Voice could come up with. The method of killing could also be incredibly risky to reveal.

Imagine saying it's a bomb invented by a Russian Scientist. That could cause a war and we really don't need that right now. Saying they were built by the killer would make sense but it may play a different card. Regardless, the killer will be sentenced to death, and might remain a mystery to the public eye. I wouldn't be surprised if people got paranoid that the government didn't actually catch or kill anyone and were simply saying they did. They wouldn't be wrong but we can't exactly tell them that. Focusing on the task at hand though, I stand in front of the Indigo building and step inside. It was much more lively which was good but the air here told me people were a little afraid.

I walk on up to the front desk and smile to the worker there.

Employee: You must be Marco Martin, correct?

Marco: I am. Am I really that well known?

Employee: Word spreads but most don't really listen for the features. I did which is why I knew. Anyways, is there something I can help you with?

Marco: I'm here to speak with Carolina.

Employee: I'm sorry Mr. Martin but she's very business right now-

Marco: It's about her son.

They look at me, taking note of my serious expression and nodding.

Employee: R-right. I'll call her secretary and see if we can get you scheduled to speak with her.

I nod and begin to walk away. That's when they took notice of Teemo.

Employee: Um, I like your Teemo bag.

Marco: Thanks. It was expensive.

Employee: It looks pretty expensive.

Choosing to not pursue further conversation, I head over to an isolate chair and sit down, setting Teemo down beneath it.

Teemo: A bag, really?

Marco: Better they assume that than the actual champ. Last thing we need is people asking questions. Just sit still for a little longer.

Teemo: I'll try.

I almost hit em with the Yoda quote but I'm not in any mood for silly banter. I pull my phone out as I lean forward and look at what I had written down. Since everything was perfect, I swapped over to my contacts list and contemplated simply calling Lydia. She deserves to know face-to-face but that's a little hard to do right now. Seeing that I'd have little choice, I quick dial her and let the phone ring for a bit. Once she picks up, I begin to lower my voice as to not risk exposing things.

Lydia: Hello?

Marco: You free for longer than a minute?

Lydia: Yes. Is everything okay?

Marco: Unfortunately, no. Something really bad just happened. Evelynn made her pass again and managed to actually piss your son off. Not only did his anger spark fear is basically everyone, she sabotaged half his pantry, and proceeded to drag him into the game.

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