Arc III - Chapter 23

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The interior design for this tree was honestly quite beautiful. The magic was practically visible here. As we climbed the stairs, Ahri couldn't help but run her hand through the magic stream.

Ahri: Wow... It's amazing...

Yasuo: This whole place was Karma's doing. She had it grown on top of a magic source and made it the council's primary location. I'm sure Xayah would love to see this.

His mentioning of Xayah actually makes me wonder if she knows about Karma. She might not be too happy to hear that the Spirit of Ionia allows the magic to be restricted and even works with and is a human. Well, she's somewhat human.

Kai'sa: Why not an actual structure? Those seem to last much longer.

Yasuo: Beats me. It's their city so they can do what they want with it.

I'm sure it has some seasonal meaning to it. Ionia is not a particularly cold region but it does have some form of winter. Course, the magic here could keep the tree from dying during that cold. I'm almost curious enough to ask. I've got more important questions though. The stairs seemed to go on for a while before we reached the halfway point where a bunch of guards was. Just from looking at them, one could tell they were elite. Their equipment was magically enhanced and was probably complimented by their own personal skill. When they saw us, more specifically Ahri, they were ready for a fight.

Yasuo waved it off and gestured to the weird branch gate thing.

Council Guard: Are you sure, sir?

Yasuo: She's no threat. Not anymore.

The guard nods and gestures to the two guards closest to the branch gate. They both nod and point their spears at it, firing a beam of magic into them. After a moment, a portal opened up between the branches.

Yasuo: When we go through that portal, we'll be in the council's chamber. From there, I'll give them my report before you explain what you want to explain.

He quickly walks through the portal with us following from behind. Using a portal was a really weird experience but it was quite quick. When we exited out the other portal, we were at the tree top with the canopy above us. You could see pretty much all of the city from up here. In the center was a large circular table, kind similar to the one in Piltover as shown in Arcane. It's just natural and not tech. Strangely enough, only Irelia and Karma were here.

Irelia: You've returned Yasuo. That's good, we need to...

Irelia then looks at me and the girls. Unlike everyone else who was fixated on Ahri, she was looking at me.

Irelia: I remember you. Y/N, right?

Y/N: Yes ma'am. It's been a while.

Irelia: That it has. As much as I would love to converse with you, we're quite busy.

Ahri: That's why he's here. He...

She looks at me for a moment, pretty much asking the obvious. I give her the okay and she nods in response.

Ahri: He's got a lot to tell you. The Noxian Invasion that's underway, me and our friend Kai'sa here and... who he really is.

Someone is going to get a headache here just from listening to me. Hopefully, Irelia doesn't get mad at me for the lies I told her. Karma then stands up and walks over to me. At first, she eyes me up before looking down at my hand.

Karma: I'll ask the question now. Who or what are you?

Y/N: Well ma'am... Let's sit down first. Besides, Yasuo's report is council business and you'll want to hear it. Then, I'll talk.

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