Arc VI - Chapter 3

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Kai'sa POV

I cannot believe what I did. It seemed so simple but once I got to the main part, I enjoyed it maybe a little too much. It was still bothering me too as I barely touched my slice of pizza. I thought about just going after Evelynn as an excuse but I simply isolated myself on the back porch. Attempting to shake it off, I reach for my pizza but instead put my hand over my heart. It refused to slow down.

Kai'sa: Be still... Yes, you're happy to see him, just...

The glass door then slides open, making me return to a more natural position.

Treyvon: Like some company?

Kai'sa: Sure.

As he sits down, he places his pizza on the table and leans back in the chair he chose.

Treyvon: Anyone else come to bother you? Specifically, the girls you're sharing Y/N with?

I shake my head no and finally manage to take a bite of my food. It wasn't as hot which left me mildly disappointed.

Treyvon: That's good.

He was out here for a reason so I swallowed my pizza and asked. He kinda sighed at first before pointing between me and him.

Treyvon: We aren't exactly different in this regard.

Kai'sa: With... love?

Treyvon: Yep. Don't understand the point of just confessing or beating around the bush so we get straight to the point. You were a lot bolder than me though, doing the deed in front of a crowd. I just... did it when we were alone.

Kai'sa: You have a lover?

He nods and pulls out his phone. After pressing and swiping for a minute, he turns the phone over to me and showed a picture of him and a beautiful black woman.

Kai'sa: Looks like you scored yourself a real catch.

Treyvon: That I did...

He pulls back and puts his phone away. I couldn't really tell what he was feeling so I would have to be careful.

Kai'sa: Is everything okay?

Treyvon: Yeah, just... waiting...

Kai'sa: For her?

He nods and fiddles with his phone for a second.

Treyvon: It's been about two weeks since she last texted back. She ended up going to Africa to learn its culture since she was born and raised American.

Kai'sa: Why would she do that?

Treyvon: Because, she thought that by understanding our culture, she'd understand me more.

Ah, I should have expected that from the moment he mentioned Africa.

Kai'sa: Do you suspect anything?

Treyvon: Plenty. It isn't easy surviving out there with the lack of supplies. Plenty of dangerous animals and diseases and... other men.

Kai'sa Do you really think she'd leave you for someone else?

Treyvon: Yes. Not because it's what she would naturally do but because time can change a person. You would know this quite well.

That still something I hate to this day. Part of me is spiteful toward Riot for making me like this WHILE retaining good looks for no real reason other than pretty face makes a pretty penny. It makes me feel even worse.

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