Arc II - Chapter 12

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Ahri POV

We had returned in the early morning and thanks to Marco quickly getting the others in, Y/N was taken to a place they call a hospital. I also wanted to go, but Marco asked me to watch the 'furry migit' and to expect a phone call from Y/N's phone. Teemo was still kind of out of it, but I explained everything the best I could.

Teemo: So I'm not technically a real person?

Ahri: You are now. I think? Y/N said something about Aurelion Sol saying that our world is limited or something like that.

Teemo: How does that work?

Ahri: I DON'T KNOW OKAY! I'm freaking out cause the person keeping us alive is still hurt!

Teemo: Alright, you don't have to shout at me!

He shakes his head and holds his hands over his ears. I guess I was a little loud. I was still scared. What he did was stupid, pointless, and reckless! I would've been fine but he did it so I wouldn't get hurt. I had to rub my eyes to keep myself from crying. I didn't want Teemo of all people to see me like that. That's when the phone starts to ring. Despite not having to, I frantically pick it up and push the green icon to answer.

Ahri: H-hello?

Marco: Hey. He's gonna be alright.

Thank god. That helped me steady my breathing and slow my heartbeat.

Marco: There are no broken bones. Most of his injuries were sore muscles and blood loss. Thankfully, he didn't lose much.

Ahri: Please, keep me updated. I want to see him again.

Marco: I'll stay as long as the hospital will allow me. Sonya and Dustin are gonna come over around lunch, to keep you company. I'll keep you guys posted.

Ahri: Thank you so much.

Marco: Later.

The call ended and I was able to fall back into the chair a bit more relaxed. I had to take a moment to just breathe.

Teemo: When I thought I overestimated you guys' relationship, turns out I was underestimating it.

Ahri: W-what?

Teemo: He took a fall for you and now you're head over heels for him.

Ahri: Head over- WHAT!?

Teemo: Search your feelings, Fox! You know it to be true!

Why does that sound like something Dustin would say? I wanted to kick Teemo again but I decided to restrain myself. Maybe he could explain what he was trying to say.

Ahri: Please, just speak plainly.

Teemo: Are you that dense? You said before that you had a bad image of humans, right? Well, now that Y/N risked his and your life to prevent you from feeling god knows how much pain, you fell in love with him.

My ears perk all the way up, my tails went stiff and my face turned a bright red.

Ahri: L-l-l-love!? T-t-t-that's pushing it a little far Teemo!

Teemo: Is it now? Well, lemme ask you this. Are you willing to open up to him now?

Ahri: I...!

Breaking eye contact or whatever you wanna call it with Teemo, I take the moment to breathe again and calm myself down. I don't know about love but I do know that... I want to open up to him now. He showed me kindness that he didn't have any reason to show. If I didn't repay him for that then... I don't deserve to be his friend.

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