Arc V - Chapter 16

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Third Person POV

Y/N watched as Teemo's body greyed out and started the respawn timer. When Rakan jumped in front of him and put up a shield to block an attack from Thresh his attention returned to the problem at hand. Riven herself was a bit hesitant to do anything as she didn't know these people. All she knew was that she was fighting them in Ionia or at least, the forces they were with. Seeing that Noxus was under siege by a bigger threat though, she had to make a stand. Thresh strikes the barrier again, breaking it this time and nearly striking Rakan. The latter falls back onto Y/N though and makes them fall to the ground. Thresh was open so Riven dashed in with her Valor ability and immediately used Ki Burst to stun Thresh.

She then swings her broken blade while putting all her weight into it, striking Thresh in the abdomen. While this knocked the Warden down, Riven glanced at her broken blade and was confused. Why was it broken? That's when she experienced a sudden surge of memories. As she stood there writhing in pain, Y/N and Rakan watched.

Rakan: Is that bad?

Y/N: I hope not.

Unfortunately, before the memories could stop returning to Riven, Thresh was up and about to strike her. Y/N was able to fire a slightly charged Arcanopulse just past Riven and into the hook before it struck. Rakan then gets off him to pull Riven away while Y/N pulls out his Light Pistol. A few headshots on Thresh were enough to stagger the Wraith but he just started blocking with his hook. He then throws his lantern past Y/N which led all the way back to him with the chain. Y/N, knowing what the Warden was intending to do, stood there and waited for the lantern to come back. Stepping out of line would put in out of a safe position given Thresh's attack range. Of course, he also had to account for the possibility of another attack which he does.

Thresh uses his Death Sentence to hook Y/N  by his sword and tugged the blade out of his hand. Y/N followed behind the blade though and got a point-blank headshot which makes Thresh stagger backward again. He follows it up by grabbing his blade as quickly as possible and stabbing Thresh in the leg. That's when he had to move though as the lantern came back and nearly crashed into the back of his head. As he ran over to the wall opposite of the one Teemo broke, he pointed the pistol back and kept firing, taking note of Thresh's health. He was almost half. There was a real possibility that they could actually win this. That's when he hesitated to pull the trigger again.

What Fiddlesticks said a little bit ago rang through his head. With the lore they had on Thresh's old life, Y/N was unsure if killing him was the right option. That hesitation would nearly cost him though as Thresh threw his hook again. Rakan dived in with Grand Entrance and took the blow for him though. As Rakan stumbled to the side, Thresh used his lantern to again use the Black Mist against the damaged Vastaya. The dark clouds swirl around Rakan before throwing him straight into another wall, causing it to collapse and down Rakan. The only good part about Teemo and Rakan being downed is that they'll be fresh. The issue was surviving the next thirty and sixty seconds.

Using the Black Mist for a third time, Thresh disappears into the darkness and reappears behind Y/N who looked back just in time to aim his gun. That's as far as he got though as Thresh grabbed the arm and broke one of the bones. Y/N tries to fight the scream but fails and is forced to drop the gun. The Chain Warden then stomps down on his chest, planting him on the ground and breaking three of his ribs. With barely any air in his lungs, Y/N barely got a sound out.

Thresh: Too easy.

"Exactly. Isn't being a pawn so much better?"

The sheer arrogance in the voice got the controlled Thresh to roll his eyes. He then stomped on Y/N two more times and was about to do a third before Riven intervened with her Wind Slash. This made Thresh stumble over and nearly fall due to his bad footing. Riven was still sweating and in pain from the memories, especially of the horrible things she had done, but she still had to fight. When Thresh threw his hook at her, she parries the strike and grabs the chain. After a brief Tug-A-War Riven cuts the chain and makes Thresh stumble back again. With Valor, she closes the distance and uses all three casts of her Broken Wings. The last strike does knock Thresh into the air and with another big baseball bat swing, she sends him tumbling across the pavement.

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