Arc II - Chapter 18

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Whatever was going on apparently prompted Teemo to place a fake mushroom in front of my bathroom door. That would mean he came out of hiding like he was told not to. He could've been caught and what was I supposed to tell my mother? It doesn't seem to be anywhere near the kitchen though so he may have just been bored. When I walked back into the kitchen, Ahri and Mom were... hugging? I wanted to say something but I couldn't help but smile first. As the two back away from each other I casually walk back in, pretending I didn't see anything.

Y/N: Sorry about that. You two alright?

Lydia: Yes sweetheart. We're fine.

I would say better than fine. I smile and nod before eyeing the plates of pancakes.

Y/N: They always look so good.

Ahri then went over to the pantry and pulled out a thing of syrup with the blue cap.

Ahri: This the right one? You had three bottles.

Y/N: Get the bear-shaped one. That's the honey we love.

As she did that, me and Mom went and set the plates on the table. Now it was just the three of us enjoying fluffy, honey-covered pancakes. Me and Mom waited on Ahri to take the first bite with half smiles on our faces. When she ate her first piece her eyes lit up like the sun. I was kinda worried she'd forget her disguise and the jig would be up but thankfully she kept it up.

Ahri: It's like magic...!

Y/N: Crafted in the house of Grandma Velma. The best person in the whole wide world, not cap.

Lydia: Now imagine if you were her child and not her grandchild.

Y/N: Oh yes, the good old stories we would hear of how she and grandpa had to walk five hundred miles to get to school, fought two bears with a can opener and their shoes lasted for ages.

While mother laughed, Ahri giggled with a weird expression. Plenty of stories to tell her there.

Lydia: It is always a wonder why companies started investing in good-looking shoes and not long-lasting shoes like they once did. Speaking of which, that reminds me. I never asked your age Ahri.

Being a woman herself, it isn't offensive. Ahri looked a little unsure how to answer that. She didn't look young enough to be a high school student and it wouldn't add up to the previous story.

Ahri: Twenty-four.

Lydia: Still young. forty-five, a year older than my ex-husband.

A fair exchange between women. Now keep your mouth shut Y/N, you're not allowed to butt in on their conversation. There are amazing pancakes to be eaten.

Lydia: You have a preference for clothing? We were on the topic of shoes so I figured we'd talk about that.

Ahri: I... prefer sandals or nothing at all.

Lydia: A barefooter I see. Country girl?

Ahri: Most of my life.

Seeing that they were getting deeper into the conversation, I would need to help Ahri with some topics.

Y/N: You said you attended a college in another state, right?

Ahri: Y-yeah. Had to move here for my studies though.

Lydia: Not what I would recommend for any study really.

Ahri: Ohio hasn't been forgiving.

Y/N: Looking to move once I get out of high school. Did some scouting and there was a college over in South Carolina I'd like to try.

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