Arc V - Chapter 22

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When Irelia got our group moving toward Karma's location, me and Teemo split up with a nod. He was to make sure Rakan was okay and I was to make sure Riven was okay. With Teemo and Rakan in the very back, me and Riven were toward the center with Vayne between our two pairs. Hopefully, she doesn't care enough to listen to anything. She probably will but it should be alright. The worst she can do is try to kill us. With the path we're taking, it'll be a little bit before we arrive so I did my half of the plan.

Y/N: You holding up alright?

Riven: As... best I can...

Y/N: It's hard being back in Ionia, isn't it?

She nods and glances back at her sword. It's not the one she used during the invasion but it was broken just the same.

Riven: It was only just earlier today that I experienced what I just thought were nightmares for the second time in my life. Now, my sword feels too heavy at times. Like I'm incapable at times.

Y/N: Nobody is invulnerable to what you're feeling unless they're a heartless monster. We're all human here.

I could hear Vayne scoff behind me. An awkward frown forms on my face as I try not to look back. I will never understand why they couldn't just make her a tragic character like the Demon Hunter from Diablo 3. That's basically what she is, except she kills non-human people for her enjoyment rather than because she wants revenge for what happened to her family. This is probably a good reason why nobody likes her to begin with and not just because of her abusive behavior with top. That is the bigger part of the reason though.

Y/N: You ever thought about being a farmer?

Riven: A farmer?

Y/N: Yeah. Out in the fields either by yourself or with a trusted companion, making sure that you feed some hungry mouths.

Riven: My... memories suggest that I did something of the sort. I grew up as one but I didn't like it...

Y/N: Because you desired more?

She nods and lets out a sigh. We had to pause our conversation for a moment as we moved through some of the dead thickets that were in our path. This gave me ample time to think of a topic to ease her mind. Once Lucian and Senna confirmed we didn't have a ghoul swarm on us, we got back into a line and kept moving.

Y/N: Desires tend to be weird, sometimes even dangerous. They aren't really wrong though.

Not unless we get into that heartless part of the subject.

Y/N: People seek many things. Being more is one of them and that on its own isn't wrong. Some people just go on the wrong path. You though...

Riven: I've committed many sins Y/N.

Y/N: Yes, but what's important is that you're aware and you regret them. That simply means that you're not a bad person. Regardless of what you did, you don't need to spend a lifetime repenting.

Riven: What would you have me do then?

Y/N: That should be obvious. You move on and do better things. Things will be difficult to judge, but failure is the greatest teacher. I know you can make the right decisions.

She looks a little cheered up by that which earned me a pat on the back. She then pulls out the bread slice I gave her earlier.

Riven: How old are you?

Y/N: I'm nineteen. I turn twenty in about a month.

July 5th. It's gonna be really weird with all the champions in attendance. I might even have more than what I currently have by that time. I do have to worry about my future on Earth though.

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