Arc IV - Chapter 28

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Teemo POV

For some god-forsaken reason, I ended up landing on my head. I thought this teleport thing was supposed to land us on the ground back or belly first. Screw whoever designed this stupid thing. The concrete did not feel nice on my hat. Wait, concrete? As I scramble to my feet I see we were in no forest, nor a desert. I felt something tickling the back of my throat, almost making me throw up when I saw the first landmark. It was a giant white statue with some gold on it.

Teemo: Oh god...

Kai'sa gets up, fully dawned in her suit again before looking over to Y/N who continued to wear his dead face.

Kai'sa: Will you be alright?

He takes a deep breath, allowing himself to feel the air on his skin before getting up.

Y/N: I hope.

Teemo: Start hoping harder cause we got rules to follow.

They both look at me weirdly before I present the city to them.

Teemo: Welcome to the city of Demacia.

Queue the camera panning out and dramatic music hitting. Oh look, people going about their business and MageSeekers hunting Mages. Alright, jokes over, let's get a move on.

Teemo: Considering who we are and how we do things, this is very inconvenient.

Kai'sa: It will be most inconvenient for you two. As it stands I'm the only one who puts you both in danger here.

Right, forgot that she learned about the other major cities a little bit ago.

Y/N: It won't matter.

He gets up and gets the dust off his outfit.

Y/N: The Mageseekers have means of finding out we use magic. You might get a pass Teemo as you're a Yordle.

Really gonna have to do something about that expression and voice. He's starting to seem more and more pitiful.

Kai'sa: Regardless, I should get a set of clothes to wear to avoid drawing too much attention. We'll have to wait for gold buildup though.

Teemo: Leave getting gold to me.

Y/N: Teemo...

Teemo: Go and relax. I will handle the gold. We should be able to at least buy a commoner's outfit for her. We can afford that much. Once Kai'sa is dressed and ready we can then start finding places to eat and stay.

Just need to figure out how to handle things without the use of magic. Poppy being here and giving us Yordles something of a good rep here makes things easier for me. Unfortunately... I'll need her help...

Kai'sa: Are you sure you'll be alright on your own?

Teemo: If my mushrooms can't do the job then yeah I'm screwed.

She rolls her eyes and sides with Y/N.

Kai'sa: Let's get the outfit soon. I'd rather be close to you than far away.

Y/N: Alright.

As those two walk away for their half of the objective, I turn around and begin to form some magic in my hand. Glad to see some of it still worked. This mark has severely limited me on what I can do with my magic. While I could still travel to Bandle City I can't exactly create portals anymore. It would make traveling a whole lot easier but what can you do? This here was basically a Yordle signal flare. Hopefully, it's strong enough to get Poppy's attention. I then throw it as hard as I could into the air and it starts showering little sprinkles into the sky.

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