Arc VII - Chapter 4

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Lydia POV

Since I wouldn't be able to stay much longer, I decided to wake up early, and make everyone some pancakes. As I am making breakfast, I notice a note that Riven wrote. She left early? Guess there's not helping that. She doesn't seem like the most patient person. Then again, nobody likes getting sidelined when they're in that position. Confused, ignored, and left wondering what they need to do with themselves. I had a similar moment like that right after the divorce so I understand her point of view. I then hear a loud yawn followed by some sniffing sounds.

Rakan: Something smells delicious.

Lydia: Good morning Rakan. You're up a little early.

Rakan: I'm an early bird as Xayah says. I don't even know what that means.

Lydia: It means you wake up early.

Rakan: Really? Man, I've been slacking on my slacking.

He's a fun guy, though he's deceptively cunning. ADHD, living in the moment, and hating thinking are all covers for what's beneath. Besides, living here has changed him, or at least, it's changed the latter two. His ADHD is still clear as day.

Rakan: We still had stuff for pancakes?

Lydia: Thankfully. Marco and Dustin said they'd do a bit of shopping today so you all have something to fill the pantry with. I made sure to call Treyvon as well to see if he can repair the shelves.

Rakan: That's good.

He then notices the note and gives it a quick glance.

Rakan: Guess I'm not the early bird.

Lydia: She was a soldier for a long time so it makes sense that she'd wake up really early.

Rakan: Curses!

He's such a dork. It's a likable trait to have though.

Rakan: So, what are your plans for today?

Lydia: As much as I want to stay and help my son, I have an interview for my new job.

Rakan: At least someone is getting something done.

Lydia: What about you?

Rakan: I think I'm going to go for a walk. Can't really help Y/N with his murder issue since I'd gladly indulge in that for Xayah, his three girlfriends I suspect won't leave his side today.

Teemo had better do the same. Speaking of the Yordle, I look over to the corner of the room and grin.

Lydia: I know you're there, Teemo.

He then poofs into existence with a slight frown on his face.

Teemo: How'd you know?

Lydia: Do you know how Spongebob makes a weird noise when he takes a step? You kinda do the same thing.

Teemo: Wait, what?! Does that mean there's something wrong with my shoes?

Lydia: No, but you do have a noise you make when you walk that is unique.

Rakan: She's saying you're small so you take a lot more steps.

Teemo: You tall people are jerks.

I giggle before returning my attention to the pancakes. There was just enough for everyone here so I placed two on each plate. It's likely the girls will share theirs with Y/N since they know the history behind our family's pancakes. Not to mention, food will probably make him feel a little better. Hopefully, that dragon guy helped him a bit. I don't want to come back here later and see my son is still stressed about what he did.

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