Arc VI - Chapter 7

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Rakan POV

I can't really lie to myself anymore. I hate Earth. Yeah, there's good food, plenty of music, and I do like hanging out with the gang. The issue is that I'm changing a lot and I hate that. The last time I had to deal with this level of change is when the humans started building those whatchamacallits and limiting the magic in Ionia. That alone was suffocating. Now, counting the fact that I hate where we live, it becomes even worse. I'm just hanging off of this one tree with my ear to it, trying to avoid looking in the direction of more than three houses. No matter where I looked though, the lights that kept the roads lit showed me more than three.

That wasn't even the worst part. I still can't hear the music. Runeterra lacked that music too when we returned but that may just be because there was a big bad thing going on. I didn't believe that though. I genuinely cannot believe that Runeterra is singing her song anymore. Not one I could hear anyways. Pressing my back against the tree, I slowly slide down until I was sitting. After a moment, I pull out the feather Xayah gave me and just stared at it. It wasn't the only thing I had from her. The Charm was still holding up so I know there's a connection but this feather is the closest I'll get to seeing her again, too feeling her touch.

I let out a frustrated sigh as my mind began to wonder. A little bit ago, it would've never did that but here we are. I liked when Xayah did the thinking for me. It meant I could be her anchor for the reality in front of us. To be her rock when she needed me. While that may still hold some weight in that... fake world... it no longer applies to me. I thought about trying to recreate that with Ahri but then I would be intruding with her relationship with Y/N and any man with respect knows that's a terrible idea. Kai'sa was considered but seeing that she's moving into Y/N's harem, also a bad idea. She also scares the crap out of me. This leaves me with Riven and Evelynn.

The latter is dangerous and unpredictable while the former we know little about. I've noticed that everyone has somebody to cling to, all except me. Yeah, Dustin gets along with me pretty well but it wouldn't be like me and Xayah. It would quickly turn into me and Rakan. I can't stand the idea of being in Xayah's position. I'm suppose to be the positive no-thoughts charmer, not someone who works themself to the bone until somebody tells them that they need to rest. I wouldn't do a good job at that either.

Maybe Teemo is right. Perhaps all I need is a bit of motivation. What for though? It can't just be going forward. This is Y/N's journey and I'm supposed to help him out with that. I'm still not sold on Y/N being able to free our world like Dustin suggested, to be honest. After seeing all that weird techy stuff in that final battle Y/N was present for, I know for a fact that this is bigger than any of us know. Just thoughts on that moment alone brought me back to what happened after.

Lucian: We don't have time for the kid to wake up. We've got most of the fetters and Viego is heading straight for Camavor.

Irelia: It makes little sense though. If these memories we've been seeing are true, he only went there after he acquired all the fetters.

Riven: We also must remember that the Chain Warden is no longer on his side and is clearly much more powerful.

Lucian let out a low growl which prompted Senna to place a comforting hand on his arm.

Ms. Fortune: We won't have to worry about that voice though. The old man and his dragon made short work of it.

After that and some more talking that I mostly didn't listen to, we headed straight for Camavor to face a weak Viego. Gwen was the one to fight him to the end, ultimately sealing him in her mist. It still resulted in Isolde's soul being destroyed though. It was only when Vex arrived that we were able to return to Runeterra. That's when I remembered something very important.

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