Arc III - Chapter 28

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It only took about an hour to land in a small harbor town on Fae'lor but we still had to make the long trek to the other side of the island. Kennen was very quick to leave us as per Irelia's orders. While everyone else began their march toward the castle, me and the girls were the last ones to go as we saw the ship off. This was for one reason only.

Kai'sa: We won't have long. If we're fighting in this war for longer than two days I'll scout for him.

Y/N: If you do that, please see if you can take some of the Kinkou with you. Better to be safe than sorry.

She nods before turning toward the path.

Kai'sa: We should go. We'll be late otherwise.

Agreeing with her, we quickly went and caught up with the others. Most of the Kinkou had already gone ahead. Since they were faster than the rest of us, it only made sense. This left us with Irelia, Karma, and all the first responders. As we were walking Ahri took my hand in hers, almost spooking me.

Ahri: Sorry, just wanted to make sure you were alright.

Y/N: I'm okay right now. Later though... I don't know how to answer that.

Ahri: It's alright. I'll be with you the whole time.

I smile a little and squeeze her hand. It was comforting having her so close, especially now. Hopefully, with all the items I got us, we'll be able to do big damage to Noxus. Kai'sa will be instrumental in this. I just will have to make sure her mana stays up. She's got it all back now but she is still the ADC. Her mana economy isn't the best and the attack on the docks proves it. I watched her spend a lot of mana on just that battle from the menu. While it's a lot more recoverable, losing all her mana too soon means she'll not be able to do as much. Just off the short history of fights I've seen her in she tends to use up a lot, just like an ADC.

Thankfully, with all the other champions here, she won't have to use as much. Hopefully...

After a couple of hours, our small army stops to take a quick rest. Me and the girls kept a little further away from the group as we did not want to disturb them. We are still technically strangers to them. It was more my call but I wanted to be more considerate.

Y/N: So, you two did listen to their plans, right?

Kai'sa: Yes. Given that Fae'lor isn't that big and we arrived in the early morning, we may be able to reach the battlefield by night. Irelia is hoping that with the rations they have, the soldiers will have enough strength for a night attack. While it is risky, any damage they can do immediately could turn the tide in our favor.

Ahri: The issue is that it'll be late. We'll be tired by the time we arrive and... Thresh is not far behind.

I wouldn't be surprised if he was already on Fae'lor. The boat ride to and from is only a couple of hours, which has already passed. He definitely knows where I'm at regardless of where he is so no matter what, I'm not safe. I'll either have to stay at the castle or stick to where the thick of our troops are. Actually, sticking next to Culvix would be the best course of action. Crit Thresh builds are strong enough to do big damage to dragons in-game but with logic in place, he may have a hard time. I'll need to see if I can convince him to bring other dragons with him too. Their help would turn the tide instantly.

Irelia: We're moving out. Our next stop won't be for another few hours so I hope you're well-rested.

Y/N: It's time.

Ahri: Then let's go.

As we got moving, a sense of dread washed over me. Thresh was definitely here now and he was probably going to take his time tormenting me from afar. That was easily the most terrifying thing, like the calm before the storm only you knew the horrors that awaited before it even happened. It sent shivers down my spine. I made sure to stay a little extra close to Ahri, something she was more than willing to allow. Kai'sa was also put on high alert, waiting for anything that could happen. About three more hours passed and we had taken a narrow path along the mountainside. This alone took way too long but we could see more of northern Fae'lor, along with some of the west. It was really bad down there. There were already settlements being burned down.

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