Arc I Finale - Two Worlds, One Adventure

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This whole week had been wild. Every day that went by I could feel Ahri growing more and more comfortable. The gang showed up to the house every day so they could help her adjust faster. It was super helpful cause she was now getting the hang of stuff. She now had ways to keep herself busy while I was at school. We even got around to making plans for her eventual work life, though that was only cause she wanted to see that parrot again. Turns out, she was really interested in seeing him again. School was the same the whole week. Yeah, I was worried about Ahri and Carl's group was still a pain in the butt, but I felt more relaxed. Having good friends does wonders for the soul.

And now, today was Friday. School had just finished and we were all walking home like usual.

Sonya: Sheesh, you'd think some of the teachers would lighten the load of the more athletic students. I don't need math for physical activities.

Marco: Some of it you do. You also need math in order to better handle your money. I've heard some stories from Treyvon.

Sonya: Since when do you hang out with Trey?

Marco: Ever heard of text messaging?

Sonya groans and hangs her head.

Dustin: Don't feel too bad meathead. At least your career will be easier to get into so long as you stay healthy.

Sonya: You do have a point.

Marco: And you surpass the competition.

Sonya: Which is why I never stop!

I smile and look down at my phone. On it was a picture of Bailey and me. We were a few years younger in this picture but it was still my favorite. I considered it my good luck charm of sorts. Mere moments after I put my phone away, I felt Dustin wrap his arm around my shoulder.

Dustin: Alright man. You said you were heading in today right?

Y/N: Yep. I don't know how Ahri feels about it yet so I'm gonna talk with her first.

Dustin: That still means your house will be free.

Marco: I can watch it. My parents probably wouldn't mind since they're feeling young again.

Y/N: Gross.

Marco: But on topic, every day you spend in league is roughly two hours and eighteen minutes. In case you end up spending longer than a week in there, I will attempt to keep your parents from getting too curious and coming over again.

Leave it to the best actor in this group. I say that and he's just a people observer. He knows how to act the part when it boils down to it.

Dustin: The only issue is that we don't know why he can do this.

Y/N: I'm hoping to figure that out as soon as possible. The whole limited and flawed reality that is the game, and why the Aspects created that spell in the first place. In fact, I'm somewhat sketchy about that.

Marco: They're the god-like characters right? Then there's that secret Rioter you mentioned. Feels like we've got a whole box of jumbled-up shit.

Sonya: One thing is for certain though, you need to level up er... rank up.

That's probably gonna be the main objective for a little bit. I seriously need to get on up there. Part of me is hesitant to bind other champions to me but if I have no choice then I got to. Heck, I may have to do it just to keep them alive. Guess I'll have to cross that bridge when I get there. We were then coming up on the house and to be honest, I was kinda nervous.

A Brand New Legend Pt 1. (A League of Legends Isekai Story)Where stories live. Discover now