Arc III - Chapter 12

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Maybe getting on this boat was a mistake. Not because of the weird fruit or the suspicious crew. It was because my stomach did not agree with the tide. I had eaten a little early and when we were a few miles from port, well, I was feeding the fishes.

Y/N: Oh god... If only motion sickness pills... Hrk!

As I let out another round, Ahri rubbed my back and kept her eyes to herself. I wouldn't want to look at this either. I'm gonna be very pale later. Once I was done, I turn over and drop to the floor with my back to the railing. Kai'sa then came from below deck with a bottle of liquid in her hands.

Kai'sa: One of the crew members said this would help. If I know anything about these sailors already, I'd say this was some sort of alcohol.

I don't know if that is really gonna help. For all I know that thing is a bottle of rum and I'm just gonna be feeding the fishes tasty liquids. I shook my head as best I could but Ahri leans my head back.

Ahri: We have to try Y/N.

Y/N: If that stuff makes this worse...

Ahri: I'll take responsibility. Just drink.

My little story from earlier is in trouble but one could just say it hasn't been my day. Kai'sa then pops the bottle open and pours of its contents into my mouth. The moment it hit my tongue I wanted to spit it out. Ahri pretty much saw this coming and forced my jaw upward, closing my mouth and putting her other hand over my mouth.

Ahri: Swallow it!

I groan as the nasty taste perverts my mouth so I'm forced to swallow. It was just as bad going down. When she removed her hands from my face I started coughing.

Y/N: That was disgusting!

Kai'sa: We'll eat or drink anything to survive. If that does what the sailor said it would, you'll live.

While I did feel a bit better I wasn't going to be moving well for a little bit. After seeing the bottle I could confirm that was in fact rum I had just drunk. I'm fairly certain I'm a lightweight so it wouldn't take long for the effects to completely wash over me. Mix the wobbly state of mind with the waves and it felt like the whole world was spinning.

Ahri: Let's get you back downstairs. We do have to discuss something.

Kai'sa nods and they both hold me up with my arms over their shoulders. They take me back down to where we were before with Kai'sa quickly making sure to check if we can speak in peace. When she came back, we made sure to keep our voices down.

Ahri: So what did you find?

Kai'sa: A whole bunch of those fruits. What I discovered that disturbed me was the magic I could sense from it. When I check further I found this.

She pulls out a blue jewel I would recognize anywhere. These were hex crystals or Skarner's people.

Y/N: What the heck are they doing with these things? Ionia isn't exactly a tech-based society.

Ahri: Tuula will no doubt have our answer.

I nod and immediately I could hear the familiar sound playing.

"Special Assignment started!"

"Objective: Dispose of Hex Crystal Source."

Y/N: Well, there we have it. Wait...

I check the assignment in my menu and see a special reward.

Y/N: Ghost. That could be useful.

Ahri: Anything that could upgrade your arsenal.

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