Arc II - Chapter 7

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As it would turn the local authorities weren't taking too kindly to people killing in their capital city. Luckily with the clothing I bought, me and Ahri were able to move further from the crime scenes. Our sudden arrival into Noxus may spark some suspicion though. As long as we can avoid any notable names, we should be alright.

Y/N: Not too far now.

Ahri: A hotel?

Y/N: Yeah, and from Bronze.

Ahri: Then let me take down a few more-

Y/N: Not worth. The more suspicion we draw to ourselves, the less likely getting out of Noxus will be easy. All we have to do is be careful of military people.

Ahri: Alright.

She sounded a little upset by that, no doubt because she was enjoying what freedom I could give her in the home of her enemy. However, I also need her to rein in that bloodlust. If she gets in trouble, I don't know how to get us out of the situation. I'd never throw her under the bus to save myself, that ruins my shot at any sort of friendship with her. We both continue walking through the streets, Ahri still getting glances from people. I told her to only hide her features when we were avoiding people. Out in the public, she needed to be known. I can tell it bothers her which is why I avoid heavily populated areas. This way she'd be less exposed to any particular comments.

We finally come up to the hotel my map showed. Was more of an inn than a hotel but it would do.

Ahri: Hey Y/N.

Y/N: Yes ma'am?

She seemed to like that response. I was just happy to hear her start a conversation with me.

Ahri: You know what that is?

She points off to the Immortal Bastion in the distance. I felt a slight chill run up my spine, knowing what goes on up there.

Y/N: That's the Immortal Bastion. It was created by a warlord named Sahn-Uzal. He's known in the game as the Champion Mordekaiser now. That's actually his name in the death language.

Ahri: Death language?

Y/N: I believe it was Ochnun? Something like that. Basically in the lore, Death basically means nothing. There is nothing beyond death. Mordekaiser found out about this once his life as Sahn-Uzal came to an end.

I then look around, to see if anyone was listening. I had just realized that this was a very touchy subject here. I then gesture for her to follow me inside. The entry to the place was a whole restaurant. I wasn't exactly hungry but it may be nice to pick up another meal while I tell Ahri the lore of Noxus. I'm actually kinda excited to talk to her about it. I can nerd out about the lore! Something that could use a lot of work but is good when it is. Ahri immediately reacts to some comments with a dirty glare. I just place my hand on the handle of my sword and move to an empty table.

As we both take a seat, a waiter comes on over to us. Something was awfully familiar about this guy but I brushed it aside.

Waiter: What would you like sir and ma'am?

A quick glance at the menu and I knew what I could use for this nerding out moment.

Y/N: Just a bowl of this place's chips, please.

He nods and goes to get our food ready. I then look at Ahri who was looking at that guy strangely.

Y/N: Everything alright?

Ahri: Yeah. Must just be a deformity of his.

Deformity? I guess I didn't notice so I just shrug.

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