Arc V - Chapter 20

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Rakan POV

Everything around me had lost all the charm, all the love! Most of the trees around me were just completely dead or getting there. That stupid black smoke stuff was doing a serious number on the place. If I didn't know any better, I'd say it was trying to destroy our ability to breathe by taking all the green stuff. As I ran further and further from where we appeared, I smacked and cut down any ghoul dumb enough to get close to me. I was pissed!

Rakan: First, they come and destroy my home then they make it horrible looking? How would I even survive something like this?

I don't really know how life and death here works since it's not real or something like that but I need to find Xayah. I will not allow some weird video game shenanigans to ruin my one and only relationship! Since it can control people as it did those other two back in Noxus so I need to make sure that Xayah does not suffer the same fate. I really hope that me being gone for so long hasn't affected her badly. She carried so much weight on her shoulders that I had to force her to relax sometimes. An event like this would send her into overdrive and she'd work herself to death, literally.

I stop for a moment as I heard some screeching from above. It was a winged wraith thingy coming to get the drop on me. As it got close, I flipped to the side and came back with a dropkick to its skull. As it tried to get up, I spun back up to my feet and threw a quill into its mouth. Some of those cloudy things started to swirl around me so I put up a barrier. After being completely surrounded, I expanded the barrier and blew the black smoke away. As I lowered my guard, ghouls came jumping out at me but I was able to quickly react and take them down with some well-timed kicks.

I then pointed my index and middle fingers out with a single quill between them, looking for anything to throw it at. When I confirmed the coast was clear, I put the quill away and heard a scream.

Rakan: Xayah!

I knew it was her. I'd recognize that voice from anywhere. There was no way I could lie to myself as I ran toward the source. I was scared. Not for me but for her. There's only so much one can endure on their own. Watching out home lose all its magic and now watching it become a graveyard, Xayah's heart would be torn apart. As I got closer, I could hear another voice, one that was oddly similar to my own. I'd say it was just my imagination but I don't really have one of those. I stop up against a tree and see Xayah. At first, I was really happy and ready to jump over and hold her in my arms. That's when I saw two things.

That weird crown thing disappearing and... myself...?

My heart sank as all I could register was confusion. Did I seriously arrive to see myself knock the death out of my lady?

Xayah: W-what happened...!?

I watched as my other self dived down and pulled her into his arms. Suddenly, all the energy I had was gone. I wanted to go in and do something but my lack of understanding caused me to just sit there and watch. How I was already here? Even I know that doesn't make sense.

Other Rakan: It's all gonna be okay. Just calm down and breathe baby.

Xayah: B-but I tried to kill-

He hushes her and keeps her close. She started crying a little. Xayah almost never cries. When she does though, it means she was at her breaking point. I was there but... I wasn't...

Y/N: Rakan. Are you...

I barely registered that Y/N was here. His voice was all I heard and even then, it was like a background noise.

Rakan: I... I need to sit down...

My legs decided to quit on me and I fell onto my rear. Once my back was against the tree, I could see Y/N coming to kneel next to me.

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