Arc VI - Chapter 8

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I don't remember when we fell asleep last night but I know that both of us felt like jelly mixing together the whole time. A little bit of daylight crept into the room through the blinds. My eyes began to flutter open and I end up stifling a moan. As I looked down, I could see Ahri laying on top of me. That's when I found out... I'm still inside her. I had to be very careful as to not wake her up so I did the reasonable thing and grabbed her by the hips to slowly raise her off me. The process was painfully slow as it felt like she had a vice grip around me. Luckily, it ended just as it began and I was allowed shift out of the way. After a lot more shifting around and nearly making her grab me, I gently fall off the bed and onto the floor.

Despite how tired I felt, pleasure was still coursing throughout my body. It was taking pretty much everything I had just to move. After a failed attempted to get up results in me face-planting into the floor. I look over and see a once filled condom on the floor. At first, part of me was disgusted before realizing that it was the condom we were using. Panic settled in quickly as I scrambled to check my lower area out. Upon seeing a condom still on it, I let out a sigh of relief.

Y/N: We actually did it...

The fact that me and Ahri had sex was still something too process. It was definitely amazing though. Hopefully, we didn't bother anyone. Turning myself over, I then try to take the other condom off but it was practically glues to me. Once I managed to get it off though, I let out a rather loud moan I barely stifled with my teeth. Ahri then hums in her sleep and snuggles deeper into the bed. Unfortunately, one of her tails was wide awake and was searching for me. Despite everything, my body and mind went into overdrive just to try and escape this thing as it snaked down the edge of the bed. I managed to roll a little further away from the bed just as the tail felt around like some hand in a Looney Toons episode.

Soon after not being able to find me, the tail slithers back to the main body and nearly covers Ahri completely. The only thing I could see was her beautiful, sleeping face. My heart fluttered a little but I had to stay focus. Finding a clean set of clothes to slip into, I make my way into the bathroom and lock the door when I get in. My legs were a little wobbly but still worked, thankfully. Before I turned on the shower though, I noticed myself in the mirror. I chuckle a little as I see more than enough love bites around my chest and neck. She really did a number on me.

Gonna need to invest into buying more protection, just in case she starts feeling predatory.

I hop in and take a cold shower which gets my whole body to wake up. Still uncomfortable but I needed it. Once I'm out, I sneak back into my room and swap my T-shirt out for a turtleneck long sleeve. This way I can hide the marks. Stepping back out before I could wake Ahri, I then make my way downstairs and look around to see if anyone was awake. Not seeing anyone prompts me to step into the kitchen and start making some bacon egg sandwiches. I then realized that I didn't have enough for six people so I decided to make four and then two buttery biscuits with sausage patties.

So I need to go grocery shopping soon and I need to speak with my stepmom about moving into a bigger place. I feel bad for basically taking advantage of her income but this place wasn't going to have the space for all of us or the supplies we'll need. The deal needs to be fair though so I'll most likely attempt to work for her full-time and... see if she can train me to take over Indigo someday. I'll probably need to go too college for it but we'll see. As I finish the first sandwich, I realize just how eventful my life here is. I have five... technically six champions from a video game, each of which have changed my life in some way. Riven may not have made any real changes so far but I'm sure that will change soon.

It's because of them that I've grown in a way I didn't think I would. Would I have turned out like my father if I never went to Runeterra? It's... a lot to think about...

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