Arc VII - Chapter 2

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Third Person POV

As the girls were slowly lulled into sleep with Y/N, he was not having a good sleep despite their efforts. Instead of going to meet Aurelion Sol like he normally would, that scene, and one word played in his head over and over again. With the girls adding weight to him by being so close, he was pretty much unable to move in his dream, causing him to freak out more.

Tahm Kench: Murderer...

Y/N: I-I didn't mean it!

The last haunting scream was the second worst part, only beaten by his sudden realization by how horrible his power can be. Not only did it make his emotions uncontrollable at times, it also gave him the power to kill that which he thought couldn't die. As he attempted to writhe around in his sleep, he felt more free after a few moments of struggle. Y/N still didn't wake up though not matter how much he rolled around or whimpered in his sleep. While he did that, Aurelion Sol looked down at him in his palm and groaned.

Aurelion Sol: If he keeps this up, he'll go insane.

As the Cosmic Entity watched the boy continue his dreamy panic, all A-Sol could do was watch in annoyance.

Aurelion Sol: A noble goal, poisoned by its own power and hope. It's almost as if it was designed as a magnet for problems. Then again, you aren't learning to stay away from those problems. What were the chances that blob of lard would actually catch you if you ran?

Naturally, as he was still deep in his slumber, Y/N didn't respond. This only made the dragon roll his eyes.

Aurelion Sol: Why am I even bothering? You're not waking up and even if you did you'd be too focused on committing murder. I think it's best that you discover the weight of your actions through those friends of yours. They're already investigating so you'll learn in no time at all, provided you'll actually listen.

Y/N was then returned to his real body which struggled just as much as he did in A-Sol's rift place. Since it was now only approaching night, the girls weren't fully asleep and were quickly awaken by this.

Ahri: Y/N... Come on, wake up.

Sonya patted his cheek whilst lightly shaking him. This caused Y/N to wake up with tears in his eyes. While the girls were relieved at first, his straight stare at the roof, and ignoring their presence made them change their tune fast.

Y/N: I... I'm not a murderer...

Sonya: Baby...

As the two of them began to cuddle in deeper, another hand reached down and wiped Y/N's tears away. Kai'sa frowns a little as Y/N continued to ignore them.

Kai'sa: I hate this feeling I have... Not being able to help him is a nightmare all on its own.

Ahri: Yeah... My charm isn't doing much.

Sonya: We may have to take him to therapy. Someone will know how to help him. The only problem with that is all the money it'll cost. We can't just force Y/N to play for it, not in this state.

Kai'sa: Or anytime at all. He's trying to save money

Sonya nods then suddenly jumps. Y/N nuzzles into her with his arms around her waist. Just as she goes to speak up, she notices that Y/N was fighting his sleep again.

Ahri: Do I need to charm him again?

Sonya: Let's leave him like this for the moment. At least in this state, he's more worried about staying awake.

While it was a bit cruel, she was right. While he kept fighting, Kai'sa stripped off her suit and got into a pair of pajamas to join them. It was a little weird though as Ahri and Sonya already took both of his sides. Before the two of them could start making suggestions, Kai'sa got down on the lower half of the bed and and slept with her feet facing them.

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