Arc VI - Chapter 30

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After getting a fire started, I cooked some of my stored food over it. May as well since I had one. Tahm Kench kept a relative distance from him as he continued to hum that song. Sometimes, he'd go as far as to actually sing the words. I knew what his game was but I'm beginning to have my doubts. For all I know, he's actually trying to help me. That was a problem too as this is Tahm Kench. He's dangerous and I have to remember that. Pulling my vision from him, I poke at the wood with a stick before throwing said stick into the fire. The sun was down all the way now so it was nearing bedtime. Wasn't really sure if I wanted too or if I even could. It only takes one moment.

Tahm then waddles over, slurping up some poor creature in the process.

Tahm: I'd say it's about time you hit the hay. Lucky for you, I don't need to sleep. Though, in your current state of mind, that's not a good thing. If it makes you feel any better, little Eve might just swoop in and save you if I really try anything.

At that point, I think I'd want to die. I really shouldn't think that since all the champs, my friends, go with me. I've come so far too...

Y/N: I'm taking a huge risk turning my back to you, let alone close my eyes for longer than five minutes.

Tahm: If it helps reassure you that I won't take a bite, you're not exactly ripe for the picking right now. You know I feed on grief and greed after all. Only the former of the two matter in this situation.

That actually is kinda reassuring. Of course, he could just be saying that. God damn it, I hate this so much! I'll need the sleep though as the trip is hardly close to over. Grumbling to myself, I lay myself down next to the campfire and try to get comfortable. I eyed Tahm one last time too which he tipped his hat.

Tahm: You'll be safe in my care. You have my word.

Your word means little if history suggests anything. Choosing not to bicker, I close my eyes and try to fall asleep. Since Tahm was close, it was really hard to completely fall asleep, but after a while I couldn't even tell if he was close. Upon falling asleep, I found myself dreaming again. As I looked around, I noticed that I was in the Sentinel headquarters. Not thinking too much about it since it was just a dream, I walked around and notice that the whole place was completely reversed. I chalked that up to just being my mind being weird until I heard a click behind me.

As I slowly turn around, I see a large gun barrel with Ms. Fortune holding it.

Ms. Fortune: What's the matter boy? Afraid?

Y/N: M-Ms. Fortune, I-

She then lowered the gun just like before, only this time she pulled the trigger. I felt a large shock go throughout my whole body, telling me straight away that I was not dreaming. Or I was...? Looking down, I could see a large hole in my stomach with blood slowly dripping down.

Ms. Fortune: That's exactly how Ahri felt.

Her voice echoed as she faded away. I then fell over onto my back as the pain began to feel all to real.

Ahri: I'm- I'm sorry!

The moment I blinked the environment changed. Everyone was there again, me included. I could see the uncontrollable rage I felt firsthand. It was... ugly...

Y/N: NO! Sorry is not going to cut it!

Seeing her cower in fear as I raise my voice pricked my heart. I then go and cough out some of my own blood as I tried to get up. The hole in my chest was bleeding a lot now and honestly, I was scared I was actually going to die.

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