Chapter 4 - Consilium Admissura

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Viren's POV:

"I was planing on paying Alpha Jeff a visit today, I do like to see him fight his Alpha instincts and make him bow down to me, but I guess you'll get to have all the fun now that I have a position to fill." Margo said faking sadness.

"You mean a personal assistant to fill." I smirk knowingly before rising from my seat and taking the folder. It wasn't exactly a secret that Margo kept Liz around for the benefits. She wasn't the most organised person but he had a thing for her and her assets as he calls them.

I smiled with amusement. "I despise that Alpha, it would be my pleasure to remind him who's boss, even if I have no clue what you need me to talk to him about." I say waiting on more information.

Margo smiles and taps the large folder. "Ah Ah.. no summaries with this one. I need you to read it all and get on board. You're the only one I'm letting in on this, so there better not be any leaks." He says seriously, his eyes dark and calculating.

Margo was smart not to trust me completely, he knew I had a soft spot for hybrids, so I assumed it had something to do with them. There have been many discoveries of hybrids since Luna Alexa took down the evil witch and began speaking more freely about everyone accepting them.

Alexa being the most powerful hybrid around, and as someone who saved the world eighteen years ago, we left her alone. Well that and the fact she was too strong for us. She took revenge on an ex council member of ours after he killed her mother.

We also couldn't do anything about her opening her pack to anyone who was different and sick of hiding. It was well within her power. There were two reasons we couldn't interfere. One, we would meet a painful and untimely death. Two, we would be stepping over the wolf council toes or paws so to speak. Being that she was a hybrid meant both councils had a say in things of importance, especially when our actions would effect both sides.
Margo stumbled across the odd hybrid before they made it to the Moonlight pack. He always held a trial to determine if they were too dangerous to let live, or if they could function honourably in our society and follow his rules. After making them prove their innocence, we would all vote.

When my vote was the tie breaker I would always spare their lives.
Margo caught onto this and saw this as a soft spot. After going against him a handful of times he began playing dirty. He withheld information regarding captures and trials. He often failed to advise me when hearings were brought forward or rescheduled. After loosing two hybrids that could have been spared I began playing dirty also. Little did he know I had people all over the place helping me. Some were hybrids I discovered before Margo. I always helped them escape Margo, and stay hidden. In turn I requested loyalty and mutual understanding. I requested they keep me informed of things involving other hybrids and told them I was trying to help. They were always keen to help one another despite the danger of being discovered. Most are hidden in plane sight.

Those Margo found were always blackmailed. If they tried to escape before the trial, their parents would be killed as they were guilty of breaking the rules by mating in the first place. If they stayed for the trial and risked their lives, he would leave their parents be. Those that would survive were never allowed to contact Alexia and were forced to join a small pack of Margos choosing. Now that I think about it, it must be the pack Jeff is running. Why else would we get involved with a wolf pack?

""When you're all caught up, go pay our Alpha friend a visit on my behalf will you. His expecting me at nine, make sure you're early, he hates it when I'm early." Margo says with a smirk.

I nod and make my way back to my car. I lock the doors and am now grateful for my tinted windows and isolated parking space.

I open the black folder and realise there is a lock on it. There is a space for a finger print, so I place my thumb over the smooth metal but am surprised to feel a pin prick. I have only heard about these locks as they are so rare. It only opens by blood of approved members only. I didn't let my mind wonder on how Margo ended up with my blood, it possibly wouldn't have been hard to do with the amount of missions we have been on.

As the folder opens all blood drains immediately from my face. Anyone looking at me now would think they were looking at a night walker, or vampire as the humans call them.

"Consilium admissura"

The words were Latin for 'plan breeding.' Beneath the title mentioned two locations. One location was Jeff's packs address, the other has a note to refer to the second lock. It was only then I noticed the folder had been split in half. The first half I could access but the second had another similar lock that didn't open for my blood.
Margo was testing me. It was clear that in order to be brought in fully, I had to play his game by his rules. There were pages and pages of young girls. Most of them were between the ages of sixteen and twenty. All were unmated and kidnapped or went missing over the last eighteen years.

"What exactly are you planing?" I whisper to myself unable to comprehend how this benefits Margo or the council as a whole.
Reading further down the page a few Latin words stood out to me.

"Telum, unicus, and imperium."

These three words best translate to weapon, one of its kind, and control.

It was no coincidence every person on this list was a hybrid. He was planing on breeding them to create the ultimate hybrid. My hands shook from rage and frustration. How could I sit here and let this happen. How could I stomach to play this game of his. My fists tightened and my jaw clenched. I was surprised I didn't hear a tooth chip in the process.
I remind myself that I had no choice. I had to do this and go along with his plans in order to save them all. This was the mission I had been waiting for. This was the one mission worth risking it all for. According to this folder, over the past eighteen years a total of two hundred woman had been abducted, however only a handful were under Jeff's guidance. From the looks of it, half were taken to his pack, and half to an unknown location. Out of the hundred forced to take residence in Jeff's pack, most were listed as deceased, leaving a total of fifteen girls alive currently.

I drove in silence the entire way, unable to wrap my head around the new information playing on repeat in my mind. I was glad Jeff's pack was an hour away, as I needed this time to compose myself. I needed to be happy about this, and couldn't afford to show any weakness. I have no doubt in my mind that Margo is also keeping eyes on me from the inside.

To my surprise, the pack was separated by a large wall. Usually Alphas don't have the need for fences or walls around their territory, but to see one dividing it definitely had me confused and intrigued. I was buzzed in by two guards who appeared intimidating, or at least would have been to humans and not to someone like me. They escorted me to a large building that took up the majority of the space within the wall.

I park my car away from all the rest. Not because I was scared of it being hit, but because if anyone tried to break in, they would stand out and most likely be caught. They also would have no luck obtaining anything of importance as most things were bewitched and protected by enchantments.

I took a deep breath exiting the car. I cast a silent illusion spell behind me of my alias. The red leather jacket and purple hair was all that was visible as if the figure was hiding behind the trees. It would come in handy at a later date, since the cameras were facing every direction. After removing all emotions from my face, a mask I have spent most of my life perfecting, I headed towards the door. No one would get to see a crack of emotion or get inside my head unless I wanted them to. No one.

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