Viren's POV
As the guard before me began to bleed out, my beast and I couldn't tear our gaze away from the crimson droplets beckoning us. My gums tingles as I began to salivate, desperate for a drink. I tightly clench my fists and grit my teeth in an attempt to ground myself. Lucky for me everyone's attention was on the man in the centre. It was hard to fight against the control my beats begged for. I knew there were times he would be flashing in my eyes but I did my best to suppress it, even when I couldn't pull my gaze away from the pool of blood seeping onto the floor.
Just before my beast could take a step towards the life giving liquid, exposing us to everyone here today, a strange sound filled my ears. I would have ignored it as it was so quite, had it not been coming from the spot Jaycee stood in.
I turned my attention to her and instantly noticed the panic in her eyes. She desperately clawed at her throat as if she was being chocked. A strangled gasp was the last straw that had me rushing her way. She was a second away from collapsing as I came into her view. A part of me froze not wanting to add to her discomfort, as my beast flashed through my eyes. I didn't have time to deal with this now anyway, I just needed her okay. Safe.As her legs give out i smoothly Catch her, wrapping my arm around her slim waist. My beast practically purred at the contact, enjoying the comforting warmth and vibrations travelling along our skin. I reach over to a near by chair and lower her into it before reluctantly stepping away. "Is she okay? What happened?" The questions run though my mind and worry eats at me as I watch her internal struggle.
"Will she ever get over the feelings of pain and betrayal we caused her? I wondered to my beast wishing I knew what to do to help win her over.
"When we tell her the truth. Soon." He says and I wondered if it was to comfort and convince me or him.I help Jeff obtain order once more. With two guards dead the maids and two other guards begin to clean the mess. A few maids hide out in the kitchen no doubt wanting to busy themselves with food clean up, rather than get stuck mopping up blood.
"The last four girls are currently getting their blood tests done. With all the excitement I haven't had a chance to tell you all the others apart from one, came back positive."My eyebrows shoot you at the incredible odds. I hadn't expected so many. "What is the plan for the one who hadn't conceived yet?" I asked curiously, also wondering who was assigned to her. "I killed her." Jeff shrugged. "We have more than enough woman more powerful than she was anyway." He says despising further conversation. "Come the others will finish up here." Jeff says leading the way.
I couldn't help but worry as we approach the doctors room. Jeff had arranged this room to carry out simple tests and be stocked up with supplies, however most of the harder tasks will be carried out in my mothers hospital.
I feel sick knowing Jaycee, Layla and Sadie were going to be negative. Neither of the girls were raped and the first two weren't even injected. Would Jeff try to kill them now? Would I have to fight this early and reveal myself. If I have to fight as myself and not Salvator, there is no way Jaycee will willingly come with me. We also have no back up yet, and won't be able to secure the other prisoners. Fuck! I cursed myself for not having thought this far ahead and knowing I was on my own.
I instructed Coal to stay with my mother for protection since she was now in the forest too close to this pack for comfort.
"We may have to kill Jeff." I say to my beast knowing he has wanted his blood for as long as I can remeber."No." His disagreement shocked me. "Guards will feel the pack link break. High alert." He mumbles making more sense than me. Since when was he the level headed one? I wondered to myself.
"Not locked away. Me must learn to survive." He says shocking me once more.
As we walk through the threshold I see Jaycee in the closes bed, followed by Layla, Sadie then Cassey. They all have their wrists tied with a thick leather restraint that is connected to a silver chain, allowing a metre worth of movement at best.
"So Dr, please tell me how many were successful?" Jeff asked excitedly, rubbing his palms together.
My eyebrows furrow awaiting the bad reaction from the news that awaits. My anxiety and stress only intensifying the longer the Dr takes to confirm the results.
"All four.. positive. Congratulations." She says smiling at us sweetly. Jaycee's eyes widen as her hands grab hold of the bed rails. It appears she also hadn't even considered the thought of falling pregnant knowing we injected her. She doesn't know she was never raped which is the stem of my confusion. Rage fills me at the possibility she had been injected again without my knowledge and raped by another.
Jeff leaves the room with the Dr to inspect the other results, leaving me alone with the four shocked woman and my spiraling thoughts. As Jaycee begins to hyperventilate Layla bounces up from her spot and grabs her shoulders. She forced my mate to face her before taking charming deep breaths.
"It's okay. You are going to be fine. We will get through this together." Her words and breaths have a calming effect but when Jaycee's eyes latch onto mine from over Layla's shoulder, her pulse beats angrily. She pushes her friend aside taking the opportunity to lung for me.Jaycees POV
How dare he. How dare he feel angry about what he did to me. As Jeff's emotions scream excitement, all Viren's convey is shock and rage! You would think it was me that took advantage of him. That bastard will pay with his life.
I lunge for Viren as my nails elongate. To my surprise he doesn't use his magic to freeze me like he has in the past, but lifts his head, guilt shinning in his bright blue eyes. Frost takes over control slowing our movements before the chain rattles and stops me an inch from his throat.
He looks at me surprised for a second before he realises the chain is what really stopped me. "No I will not kill our mate." Frost growls disapprovingly at me, before moving her shape claws towards her stomach. I knew she had no intention of doing anything however she wanted to guage his reaction to the threat.
Surprise flashed in his eyes as they latch onto our nails that are seconds away from slicing us open. It is followed by pain before he grips our hand not allowing us to move further.
"See all he cares about is this baby!" I yell at Frost begging her to see reason.
"Hurt me, I deserve it." Viren whispers so quietly, I had to strain to hear him. "Don't harm yourself, you've been through enough." His words weren't the cause of the lump in my throat, but the conviction and truth in his eyes. Before I could register the movement he raised his shirt before plunging my nails into his chest dragging them down to his navel. I felt the pain he felt making me gasp and withdraw them. Before his shirt fell however, I saw the wounds beginning to heal.
"Magic and protection spells." He whispers answering my unspoken question, though the guilt and hesitation showed me his lie.
"Even now he still lies." I say to Frost once again proving my point.
She takes control once more and this time her curiosity gets the best of me, so I don't fight her on it. She lifts her palm up towards Viren before making a fist. Without notice a sharp sting resonates in my palms as blood begins to pool.
Our penetrating gaze hasn't once strayed from Viren's, though his latched straight onto the crimson liquid I collected in my palm. His eyes flash bright red before he staggers back. The sheer hunger he felt had my mouth watering desperately. He quickly grabs a ziplock bag that is on the desk, emptying it's contents before gripping my hand and pouring the gathered liquid inside it.
"Twice!" He growled out. His fangs making his words hard to understand. "Mate never behaves." He mutters to himself though I catch the pride and awe in his eyes making me freeze. Should he be angry I discovered his secret. Shouldn't he want to kill us to keep it? I watch as Viren seals the ziplock bag and watch's my palm heal. Shoving the bag into his pocket, his eyes return to their familiar bright blue colour, and his fangs retract leaving the Viren I have come to know and hate.
The other girls gasp as he storms out of the room looking just as bewildered and I feel.
"His.. like me." Sadie whispers disbelieve clear in her voice. "Why can't I smell him." She asks out loud, though no one has the answers or speaks.
Jeff and the nurse barge in seeing Viren's hasty retreat. "Guards strap this one down, she is too unpredictable if the blood on her nails is anything to go off. I want two of you standing guard at all times until I say otherwise. Meanwhile get the other three back in their cells.""Yes Alpha." They all say approaching me cautiously. I don't miss the worry in the girls eyes and grant them a small smile as they are led out the room. Jeff has another thing coming if he thinks I'm going down without a fight.

The Alpha's Saviour
Hombres LoboThis is Book 2 of the 'Destined Luna Series' (You can read as a stand alone. However it will be more enjoyable after reading: Book 1 - The Rainbow Wolf And Her Alpha.) I am Jaycee Black, future Alpha of the Moonlight pack, and a hybrid thanks to my...