Chapter 126 - Betrayal

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Virens POV:

The bond stretched and pulled uncomfortably the further we ran from our mate and the pack.

Alessia had insisted we could only use shadow magic to make up the hour difference, for reasons she refused to tell me. I hadn't missed the way her eyes fogged over with that of a vision, or the deep frown lines on Crims face, but then again he hadn't stopped frowning since I called him my brother. Guess he was still getting used to the idea.

Jaycee's blood was a part of me now that we were marked. It meant there was no changing my new purple eyes, or the way my senses were heightened exponentially allowing me to easily out run Crim and Alessia. Especially when my mind confused up images of my mother and the others being innocently tortured. 

After the fourth time Alessia fell behind Crim had scooped her up managing to mostly keep up with me. He growled out annoyed at my unrelenting speed until finally he broke the silence. 

"Will you slow down! It's not like your going to go there on your own, you'll have to wait for us either way. The least you can do is be considerate. My mate doesn't have a wolf, the increased speed and strength she does have is from my mark and a potion she took that is starting to wear off. If you don't slow, I swear ill shadow you ten miles backwards!" He growls.

I turn sharply stopping my movements all together. Crims eyes widen, thrown off by my actions, so much so that he stumbles with Alessia in his arms. Instinctively I go to freeze their bodies before they hit the ground, only for them to disappear in a ball of smoke.

Unfortunately for me they appear five meters above my head. I expect him to land on his feet and manoeuvre them safely away from me, however to my surprise Crim doesn't use the new height to his advantage and falls on top of me. I groan out in pain, my forehead meeting the sharp end of a rock. 

I shove them off me in anger only to see their bodies fall face first into the dirt. My eyes widen realising my magic must have taken hold after their shadow trick. I quickly release my hold just as Crims fingers began to twitch.

"Do me a favour and don't try to help me. Not ever. I'm King and more than capable of looking after my mate and the entire coven. A simple stumble will not be my down fall."

I angrily glare my brothers way, hating how similar our features were. Every reminder of my father, even though forgiven, was simply a reminder of the pain my mother endured all these years. The hardships we suffered just to survive while my father and brothers lived a life of luxury.

To my surprise Alessia began to laugh loudly. "Oh that would have looked so funny!" She says wiping an imaginary tear from her eye. "It's been a while since I've been surprised like that". She smiles genuinely.

I turn away power walking in the direction of the town, knowing we had made up some ground and could afford a minute to catch our breaths. It wasn't at all that I felt bad about making the King and Queen of vampires fall flat on their faces. Nope. Still nothing.

The scent of the damp forest filled my stuttering lungs as I took large inhales of the cool air. The sun was warm shinning it's light through the tree tops, and I wondered how long it's been since I've allowed myself the time to bask in all its beauty. As the thought crossed my mind, I couldn't help the guilt and panic bubbling beneath me at the thought of my mother and the people I had helped, being in danger. All the while I'm walking in a forest enjoying my surroundings like a man without a care. Disgusting.

"Remind me again why you only teleported us half way? It would be much faster if-"

Alessia growls. "I already told you, it's not wise to change the future. At least not this time." Her heart begins to race and her eyes look distant. She does well to mask her visions but I catch the difference in the way her blood rushes through her veins and the speed in which her pulse races just a little faster. There was something she wasn't telling me.

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