Chapter 79 - Loosing

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Jaycees POV:

The barrier surrounding our camp is flashing. Each time it would drop, a rogue or two would make their way inside before it would go back up. Majority of the wounded had been fully healed, since we had been here recuperating for over a week now.

My eyes land on my father who was supporting my mothers weight as she tried her best to poor magic into the barrier. Trouble now was the rogues on the outside had called for reinforcements. I couldn't prove it but I had a feeling Jeff and Margo were somehow behind this attack. At the very least they would have promised these rogues a reward of some sort in order to help them locate us. 
I rush over to mums other side where my aunt Alessia also appeared.

"Tell me what to do mum." I yell above the few fearful screams from the hybrids, and the deafening sounds of armour clanking together. 
"There is no point waisting your energy Jaycee, all you will be doing is delaying the inevitable. You will need to save your magic for another use in a few minutes."

As my mother let out a pain filled growl I grabbed onto her waist to help support her. When I had touched over her stomach something shocked me making me gasp.

I turn my wide eyes towards dad. "Mums pregnant isn't she? They are draining her magic which is why she has been having issues with it. It's also why Stuart caught mum throwing up."

Dad turned towards mum, his eyes searching for the confirmation she had done well to conceal up until now. I could see the second shock was replaced by a fierce protectiveness. Alessia get Crim to get Alessia out of here. I won't risk any harm to come to any of them."

"Zander you know I can't do that. Crim is stuck in meetings with his father, I have no way to contact him while he is in those rooms. It's been spelled to not let anyone interrupt them."

"I'll do it!" Sadie says with a look of determination. "Max I need you to keep Layla, Cassey and the others safe for me. I'll come back as soon as I can and help transport the wounded." She steps up and gives Max a hug that startled him. Sadie isn't the hugging type unless it towards Me and Layla. My heart sinks at the regret and sadness she hides in her eyes. She can hide it from everyone apart from me. Max nods and morphs into his powerful wolf and darts off towards Layla's tent. 
"Everyone who is unable to fight is to go into that tent and wait for Sadie, available warriors are to protect those who can't fight. If you have powers.. use them. Our enemy won't hold back so neither should you."

Sadie and my mother wait until all the weak are out of sight before disappearing in a thick cloud of smoke. The second they are gone the rest of the barrier rains down around us. My breathing hitches when I notice how outnumbered we are. There were around fifteen of us in total who could fight and at least twenty rogues standing outside the barrier in front of us, and another twenty from behind, no doubt drawn to Layla's lingering scent. 
I stand with my father and to my surprise Stuart, and two hybrids named Ember and River stood beside me. The other warriors were protecting the tent and our backs, so we would have to take on at least three rogues each, which is no easy thing.
"I need to know what you two can do?" I ask just as the rogues begin to approach.
instead of answering, ember shot balls of fire towards the tree line, scaring at least six rogues backwards. "Show off." I heard River say to ember, who scoffed in response. 
"Please! Your just jalouse I'm hotter than you are!"

I smiled at the two girls bickering during a time like this. It reminded me of my relationship with Layla and Sadie. 
My attention was split between the rogues in front of us and Max. I knew something bad was going to happen even without Sadie's indirect heads up. I could feel this wouldn't be an easy fight. 
Dad took on four rogues at a time. He made it look easy thanks to his increased strength and speed, however I wasn't sure how long he could keep it up for. I know mum zapped a portion of his energy while trying to keep the barrier up earlier. 
Stuart could hold his own against one eaaily however a second and third was approaching him from behind. I jump over him landing a kick to ones face throwing him back into his friend. It was enough of a distraction to give Stuart the time he needed to end the one before him. 
I drop as one came out of nowhere in his human form, slashing a silver blade toward my throat. I hear dads warning through the mindlink seconds later, warning everyone of the weapons they hid. I managed to nock his knife from his hand and throw him toward Stuart's feet. The one thing I refused to do was kill. I could immobilise them sure, but killing them.. I just couldn't risk feeling it. 
Punch, kick, jump, roll, dodge. An endless dance of dodging and striking lasted for what felt like an hour and the numbers kept coming. The trouble here was I felt every bit of pain I inflicted on my enemies if I looked up. Sure I was fast, trained well, and had alpha blood running through my veins, however I was also malnourished, and not at my strongest. I kept my eye focused on their limbs rather than their eyes, and it helped me avoid feeling a few cracked ribs and kicks to the groin. On the down side, if I allowed myself to feel their emotions, I would be able to pin point when they were faking a hit on the right only to land one on the left. I would be able to see when they were confident or the pain they felt if they already had an injury. It would be easier to pin point their weaknesses and use it to my advantage, but at what cost?

"Watch out!" A scream sounded from Stuart beside me and his attention was split between Cassey and two rogues. He could get near her and she was outnumbered and wounded. While fighting the two rogues I had coming after me, I made my way towards her. Inch by inch felt like it took longer than it should. I froze when I noticed her right leg bent on a weird angle.

Cassey was flashing her fangs at the two in front of her but the third kicked out her other leg from behind, before landing on her. His sharp claws lifted and she closed her eyes.

I grabbed the scraggy rogue who attempted to land a sloppy hit on me. Using all the strength I could manage, I threw him into the guy sitting on Cassey. He slammed into him and the other two, just as his hand was ready to swipe out her windpipe. As blood splashed her face, her eyes opened and latched onto mine. I felt her fear and confusion before a sense of relief washed over her. It was short lived when she realised she couldn't stand up. With her broken leg it would only be a matter of time before the inevitable happened, and we both knew it. She was at a huge disadvantage and the numbers of foe were only growing in size. 

Without giving it a second thought I quickly slid my arm into her opened mouth, slicing my skin against her sharp fangs as it moved. I pulled my arm away just as she latched on, tearing muscle from bone. I cringed at the sight and ignored it as my body began healing the wound.  She hadn't taken enough blood to weaken me, but it was enough to heal her leg.

Cassy's eyes flashed red and the hunger she felt at the mouthful of my blood, was enough to shock me. She was torn between wanting to devour me, and fighting. Her control won out as she charged at two rogues heading our way. I was shocked to see the power she was wielding as she grabbed both by the neck and tore out their throats simultaneously. She was a flash of colour who was somehow ending their lives faster than dad, but only because it was brought daylight.  If it was night his shadow wolf would have the upper hand.

I used a tree to rebound and catch a silver blade before it could hit Dad from behind. The slight turn of his head told me he knew it too. Upon looking him over I could see the amount of blood loss he was suffering. Although most of his wounds weren't overly deep he did have large claw marks running down his spine.

"Frost can we help heal him? He can't go on for too much longer without some help."

"Yes but each time we use our power it will slow down our own healing, and our temperature will drop. We need to be careful not to overdo it."

I jump towards dad kicking another rogue in the head, kicking him out cold before placing my hand in his wound. 
He hissed in pain but kept his focus on two more enemies approaching. "Jaycee what are you-"

I felt the moment my warm healing magic travelled from my body, down my hands into his wound. It closed up almost immediately and I noticed the breath of relief he let out instantly. As the colour of his pale skin become his usual shade, I released my hold on him. 
My hands felt cold and my reactions sluggish.

I attempt to block a punch coming from behind me. I hadn't fully succeeded as he made contact with my cheek rather than my nose. The shooting pain was one I had become accustomed to during my two years of torture, and the swelling was instantaneous. A strong chill ran down my spine and I recognised it as the cost we pay for using too much of our magic. It is worse when I use it on others but my body was now also trying to heal my throbbing bruised face.

At the sound of the grunt I realised, dad had turned and severed the rogues head I one swift move. 

"Thanks Jay, I don't know what you did just now, but I'm almost back to full strength. Judging by Cassey's brutality so is she. You may be more use to us this way than actually fighting. Can you help the others?"

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