Chapter 80 - Righteous Sacrifice

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Salvator's POV:

After a two hour long sleep, Coal and I were woken up by Nala and Rose.

"We fetched your cooked deer and a talon full of pigs. Food's ready."

As if on cue both Coal and my stomach rumbled making us all stifle a laugh. I run down the makeshift stairs with more confidence than I had earlier, having paid attention to the ones that felt slippery and those that had more grip. Coal on the other hand was delaying Rose who looked increasingly annoyed at his slow pace.


I turn having heard Coals scream thinking he had slipped, but to my surprise Rose had grown tired of waiting and decided to throw him off the stairs, only to catch him on her back before landing smoothly. His heart and blood was racing through his veins. I had to fight the urge to sink my fangs into his erratic pulse.

"Thirsty." Was the one word my beast said to me.

"While here we may not be able to drink blood." I inform him. "We have started becoming used to it which may soon be a problem." He didn't reply but I could feel his disagreement.

I stand tall when I notice Noah approaching, my emotionless mask slide into place. Nala stepped close to me, close enough that I could feel her warmth from beside me.

"Viren, I owe you an apology. It seems we got off on the wrong foot. You are correct we both have something to gain by helping eachother." I nod accepting his apology, though I will not make the mistake of trusting him again.

"Thank you, I look forward to watching Coal learn."

"Oh no Viren, while here you will be training with us also. I'm sure there is something we can teach you that you don't already know. I've also been meaning to thank you for rounding up so many animals for us. We chose to keep a few alive for breeding purposes. Time passes faster here so we like to sometimes breed them here and drop them home when they are close to breeding age. It allows their numbers to flourish and ensures another year of food for us."

"Of course, that is a wise decision." I say before biding farewell and following Nala towards what looked like a large picnic rug. There were no chairs but a table for four.

It seemed like we were the first ones here. As soon as Nala, Rose, Coal and I sat down our plates magically appeared. Coal wasted no time digging into the the spread of roasted meats and pork crackle. An odd feeling sent my stomach flipping as I took the first bite. Looking up I notice many warriors and guards silently staring at us. Only then did I notice it wasn't that they appeared out of no where..

"Viren we're in the air!" Coal said quickly gripping onto one of Rose's talons out of shock. "And.." his voice quivered. "It's a long way down."

"Shouldn't I be the one holding onto Nala for deal life? You're the dragon you should be used to heights."

Coal forced himself to release his grip of Rose. "Sorry Rose." He whispered, though she hadnt seemed to mind the contact.

"Okay it's time I admit something to you Viren." I focus on Coal and keep my emotionless mask in place to hide the fear I felt at the possibility of falling from this height.
"I never started my dragon training. I know how to phase and fly but landing and speed isn't one of my strengths. I was always larger than most dragons in my village."

Disbelief filled me. "Wait are you saying all this time you have been so fast and strong because you're always in your human form?"

"Well, I'm sure that has something to do with it." Coal says, sending a glare my way. "There is no need to be mean about it. I'd like to see you fly."

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