Chapter 6 - Revelation

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Viren's POV:

I had taken a seat in Jeff's very plain waiting room at 8:40am. Exactly twenty minutes early as per Margo's request. I wasn't one for patience although everyone thought otherwise due to the hold I had on my emotions.
It only took me a minute to memorise the locations of the cameras, and notice the various shades of black and green mould staining the corners of the room. It was times like these, that I was thankful I was unable to smell anything. It was evident this room wasn't used very often and guest weren't something Jeff wanted to entertain.

A older looking guard emerged from a securely sealed door. The flash of a light and slight delay in it opening told me both a card and pin number had been used to open it.

"Welcome, uh.. Alpha Jeff mentioned someone was coming at 9am and not to be disturbed until then." The old guard who was clearly a wolf of low stature gulped nervously. He looked over weight, like he hadn't shifted in some time, and had a small greying beard and thinning hairline.

"Is that so?" I say before standing up. "Well on this occasion I must insist you.. fetch him for me." He eyes widened at my blatant insult towards his Alpha, though he was smart enough to turn and leave.

A total of two minutes go by before the old guard returns looking pale. "Alpha said he is busy... and to wait."

Rage fills me inside though I don't let any of it show. While reading through the folder earlier it mentioned Jeff was a worthless rogue who was leading a small group of troublesome rouges until Margo approached him offering him an Alpha title as long as he agreed that when a council member is here, we are in charge. He is to do as we say, accept whoever we want to join the pack. He will be Alpha but we have the final say.

I approach the old guard who began to take steps back towards the wall until there was no where else he could go. He flinches as I swipe the card from his pocket before letting my hand rest on his shoulder.

"Todays code?" I ask. He gulps without answering until I let a fraction of my rage show as my right eye twitches. That seemed to do the trick.

"There are two codes Sir. Each hallway has a number on the left door so the codes always start with that number. the first number is 4. Code is 4321. Other hallway is 7. So 7654."

I wanted to scoff at how simple minded Jeff was. I wouldn't be surprised when he changes the codes, they would go from 7654 to 78910 just so he can remeber them.

"Bathroom?" I ask. "I'll give him the extra few minutes."

"Through this door to the left, first door you can't miss it. Jeff's office is the only door that is red, straight to the end of this corridor."

I make my way to the bathroom noticing the location of the camera's, opting to walk to the toilet that is hidden from reach. I close the door and pull out my globus. It's the small golf ball item I described earlier. We call it that name as it's the Latin meaning for global. Not just because of its shape but because it can connect to any witch around the world.

After a minute of searching I find what I am looking for. There is a witch who can make a exact replica of the key card I took from the old guard. Holding out money and the card in my left hand and the globus is the other I watch as it disappears. A timer starts on the globus of two minutes. When the time is up, both the original key card and the replicated card is in my left hand. I slide one into my pocket holding the other in my hand.

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