Chapter 21 - Awaken

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Jaycees POV:

I awake with a loud gasp, my eyes latching onto piercing blue orbs staring back at me. His face was so close, it was all I could see. The beautiful blue strands of his irises spanning out from the dark abyss that was their centre. Before I could marvel at the brightness and different shades, he moved back allowing me the room I needed to sit up.

I swallowed ignoring how my heart began to race for no apparent reason. His the enemy I reminded my traitorous body that fought against my brain. I cast a cautious glance his way, only then realising I was somewhere foreign. 
I sat on a bed that felt like clouds, the plush comforter soft yet thick between my fingers. The walls were dark but splashed with hints of blue, but no where near in comparison to- I shake my head on my wondering thoughts. It appears my brain to has been effected. 
"How are you feeling?" Viren's voice draws my attention back to his face. 
"Feeling?" I ask in confusion until I remember what happened earlier. Out of instinct my right hand gently touched my cheek. Where angry raised claw marks should be, I found smooth skin. No lingering pain. I frowned. 
"Mind telling me how a malnourished maid without her wolf managed to heal herself before I got the chance?" He asked swirling a grey looking golf ball in his hands. I watched as it moved with grace from on finger to the next to the next. I grace I could never manage no matter how hard I tried.

I frowned again remembering his question. "Frost did you heal us?" I ask in panic. Viren's head tilts ever so slightly his calculating gaze latched straight onto my traitorous heart. 
"I.. I'm sorry Jaycee, I could hold back while awake but it seems I don't have a say when we loose consciousness. We lost quite a bit of blood earlier." She replies from the deepest crevice in my mind. " I have used quite a bit of energy healing us both from our physical injuries and also from the mental block. There is also soemthing else that feels.. better but I can't quite put my finger on it. On a good note, our memories are coming back more easily now and we're getting stronger."

"On a bad note, they will find out I have you and will drug us again." I groan only to realise it was out loud this time. 
To both my surprise and horror Viren's lips curl up into what I would assume was a half smile. At least as much of a smile as one could have when they never smiled. 
"What's that in your hand?" I ask hoping to change the subject. I let out a breath I didn't realise I was holding when his eyes dart down towards the item in his hands. 
"A golf ball, what's it look like?" Viren replies calmly yet his eyes are anything but relaxed. They move from my eyes to my pulse to my heart as if he is trying to figure out every reaction I have to every word he speaks. As if he can sense the lies before I speak them. That can't be thought because he is a wizard, that much I could feel. I wondered if he could feel it stronger too now than I was healing. 
I look back analysing it. Viren doesn't seem the type to play golf, although he acts calm and in control most of the time. I doubt he spends his spare time being patient playing golf. I bet his more the type to hit a gym or punching bag to let out some steam. His body sure looks like he does. I mentally groan at where my mind had gone again. Get a hold of yourself! I groan mentally this time making sure not to make a sound. 
I squint my eyes catching a weird movement around it as it rolls. It almost looks like a shimmering field of energy dances around it. Expanding then contracting in beautiful rays of colours. 
"It's so beautiful." I murder honestly.

He blinks at me frowning as if I had grown two heads. "You like golf balls?" He asks slowly, almost in disbelief.

I laugh this time amused by his words. When I calm down I respond. "Sure.. yeah I like your golf balls." 
My eyes instantly widen and my smile drops as I realise my mistake. This time he lets a laugh slip and the light airy sound of it, almost draws my attention away from my embarrassing words. Almost.
Heat rushes to my face before I can even speak "I.. I meant your golf ball. Not plural. That came out wrong. Can I..." I frown not wanting to ask if I can hold his ball. I open my hand in a way that gestures towards it.

His jaw instantly tightens, his face no longer relaxed but now guarded as he analyses me. Weighing up his options.

"How about we play a game?" He asks. "I give you something you want and I get something in return. Let's say.. two things each? If it's an answer to a question you mustn't lie, if it's to touch something within reason, you must pull away."

I swallow nervously wondering all the ways this could go wrong. I figure he could always take what he wanted if he really wanted to. It's what a lot of the guards would have done so I figured I might as well get something in return. "You can do or touch anything... private." I let my words hang in the air and am surprised when he nods in agreement without delay. 
"Okay if I let you hold.. this item." He articulates his words carefully. "I can touch your face for the same amount of time."

That sounds easy enough, though I wasn't sure what he would gain from it. I nod before he throws it to me. As I catch it I watch it with mesmerising interest. 
"What is this?" I ask. "Don't say a golf ball, we both know it's far from it." I state not taking my eyes of it. 
"Will that be your question in return for one of mine? Viren asks. I scowl but nod.

We have something similar to what the humans call the internet, but with magic. It's called a globus. It uses illusion magic to hide from others who aren't the owner. Especially others who are not of witch or wizard heritage. It transforms and opens up when being used by its owner. That's the beauty of it, even if a human or wolf stumbled across it, it won't obey them, and only a truly powerful witch or wizard would be able to use someone else's.

A part of me is shocked by Viren's words but the other part of me feels like it fits. Perfectly. I mimic Viren's earlier movements watching it roll. I then place it in my hand concentrating on it. 
Viren's laughter almost distracts me from my daze. If I had paid attention I would have heard him mocking me. Saying how no one can use it but him. 
I speak words that come to me as naturally as breathing. "Revelare mysteria tua." I watch in amazement as the orb transforms. Different sizes hexagons and triangles tuck into one another reforming into a square that fits perfectly into my palm. A hologram lighting up before me. I blink as it disappears from my touch before I get to analyse it. Viren's expression is blank but his eyes, they are the windows to his emotions. 
One look into them tells me his shocked yet understanding, as if everything I did makes sense to him.
"My turn, when did you learn to speak Latin?" I raise my brows surprised by his words but ponder them. 
"The truth is I don't really remember.. yet. If I had learned Latin I'm aurprised I havnt forgotten it along with my other memories but what makes you think I know it?" I ask trying to make sense of his random question.

It was his turn to raise his brows at me. His guard seems lowered his posture almost relaxed in comparison to how he normally looks around Jeff and the others.

"You spoke it. It's how the Globus opened for you."

"I.. I didn't even realise I was speaking another language." I admit seeing no harm to letting him have this extra bit of information.

He take a deep inhale before walking his chair over to the bed I was sitting on. "You own me one more thing. Lay down please." He says softly. I can't help the way my hands begin to shake and the proximity. The only time I get touched in this horrible place is when I am being punished. That much I do remember. As if sensing my thoughts and seeing my Bruce's he gives me a reassuring smile. 
"I'm just going to place a hand on your forehead and another on your cheek." I lay down stiffly despite his calm words. As his hands gently caress my cool cheeks, I can't deny the calm that settles over me. His warm hands, soft and so peaceful have my muscles growing heavy, I can't explain how or why my body eases into his touch but it does.

He clears his throat removing his hands. I almost frown at the lack of contact but secretly scald myself for my reaction to him. "You're ice cold. It's not the first time this has happened to you. Is your wolf doing something to you Blue?"

I sit up too fast for my mind to catch up, creating a dizzy spell for a few seconds. When my sight returns to normal I frown at Viren's words. "Last I checked our game was over, and my name is Jaycee not Blue." 
I stand walking towards the door but before I reach the handle, a hand pushes down on a spot between my neck and shoulder making my world darken as I am thrown into darkness.

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