Chapter 135 - Plan Ceremony

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Viren's POV:

"Apologies for interrupting Alpha, I wanted to deliver the three of you your dinner, as it was begging in to get cold."

Jeff nods his head as the guard wheels in a small trolly with three plates, three bowls and three glasses of wine. My mouth waters at the colour, reminding me of how thirsty I was, but I swallow the feeling down.   "What's the matter?" Margo asks Jeff noticing his deep frown.

"I never authorised any soup to be made." Jeff answers directing his words to the guard. 
"Ah.. well.. you see.."

"Spit it out Clive!" Jeff's growls growing annoyed at the guards nervous stuttering. 
"It was the new girl Blue. Margo made it clear she was not to be harmed, so I didn't fight her on anything."

"What did she do?" Margo interrupts. Annoyance clear in his eyes no matter how hard he thought he had suppressed it. Blue was already getting under his skin. I felt a flutter of amusement and pride towards my mate. Even with her memory wiped she caused ripples where ever she stepped.

"Well sir, she wasn't happy when she heard the babies crying, and discovered all the mothers and babies havn't eaten for three days."

"I thought I told you all to keep them quiet. Jaycee wasn't supposed to notice them." Jeff says crossing his arms intimidatingly.

Clive gulps. "She asked me for another plate of food, but when my back was turned she snuck behind the curtain. O tried to get her to leave once I notice but she took the plate and gave it to them instead."

"What?" Jeff growls lowly seemingly furious. 
Clice looked to have paled. "There's more Alpha." He said swallowing nurvously. "She grabbed all of our allocated food from our tables and decided to make it into a soup. She said there was enough for everyone."

Margo's eyes twitched with annoyance. "So you all just handed her your food because she asked nicely?" He asked the guard who seemed to have paled further if that was even possible.

"Not exactly Sir, she unknowingly used an Alpha command when a few of us refused. She had us all submitting to her which is odd since she is not our Alpha. We couldn't breath let alone fight it." Clive advised frowning. "She seemed confused by our behaviour for a minute so I don't think she knew what she was doing, most likely due to her lack of memory. To our surprise she then offered some to everyone and there was plenty left, so we thought to offer you all some."

"Thanks Clive. Is she in her room?"

"Yes sir, she looked pretty tired and said not to disturb her as she wanted to sleep."

"Good, well give her an hour and a half, that way we can conduct the ceremony just before midnight. You may be dismissed." Jeff says much less annoyed than he had been seconds ago. As soon as Clive exited the door, Jeff eagerly stood from his chair and handed out everyone's portions.

Margo, raised his brow confused by Jeff's eagerness.

"Trust me, if there was one thing I missed about having Blue around, it was her cooking." Jeff said shrugging. "All the others just don't seem to get the flavours right. Everything is either too salty or bland now days." 
Jeff hands us all a bowl, before grabbing his own and sitting back down. It was a sign of respect coming form an Alpha to serve others before himself, as they are usually the ones who eat before the rest of the pack.

The aroma of the soup called to my stomach. I was surprised, as it had been weeks since my body had wanted human food. As much as I craved blood, my beast was craving only Jaycee's again which complicated things now that our bond was partially broken. 
"Eat soup mate made." My beats urges. I begin to spoon a mouthful of the steaming dish and moan at the taste. After Margo saw me eating it so willingly, he relaxed and tried his own. I laughed when he didn't bother to suppress his moan either.

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