Jaycee's POV:
After another hour of screaming, Stuarts body crumpled to the floor, exhausted and covered in sweat. I took one of our two blankets with Layla's permission and draped it over his sleeping form. Reaching through the wolfsbane coated silver bars, I was unable to avoid touching them completely. Not with a thick blanket being forced through the small gaps. Lucky for me, the pain wasn't unbearable, only uncomfortable.
Layla and I laid on the cold stone floor under the only teaming blanket left. It was hard to adjust to it and I wondered how I survived the last two years with only a thin sheet, and the constant besting I received. It really was a miracle I was still alive especially without having a wolf back then.
"It was an accident you know?" Layla spoke out loud, realising Frost was locked away thanks to touching all that silver."What was?" I reply in a quiet whisper.
The vampire name Serg was apparently only meant to drink a little blood. Just enough to scare everybody. He wasn't supposed to drain her like that. It must have been why he stopped when he did. Cassy overheard Jeff scalding Serg about it as he left the building. He said something about her possibly being pregnant."
"Makes sense." I mumble sleepily.
"How does her being pregnant make sense?" Layla hissed.
My eyes opened as I realised what I had said. I hadn't told Layla about the councils plans knowing I couldn't change it, but the truth is slowly coming out anyway. I'd rather her hear it from me."Do you remember the first day when Viren stabbed us with a needle only for Jeff to come in the room and jab us all again also?" I felt Layla nod against my shoulder from behind and she snuggled closer to my body for warmth. "Well, he told me everything. The council plan on breeding us to make the ultimate hybrid warriors. All under the councils control, bred with their own seeds."
She stiffened behind me, her breath catching in her throat. "Viren's injection was to spare us from Jeff's injection. Apparently it was meant to negate it. Jeff's injection is meant to trick our wolves into thinking our rapists are our mates, sending our wolves into heat making it possible to conceive."
She gasps, eyes wide and full of fear. "Viren's injection must not have worked. My wolf was confused. On the first day when Byron raped me there were no sparks. He also already has found his mate. But then the next day when he was giving me.. ah.. he gave me head, my wolf was screaming mate, over and over again. I came so hard that day. Viren's injection mustn't have worked, or it shouldn't have felt so good. Right?"
"Right. My wolf was exactly the same, I just had to block her out, and remind her that he wasn't ours. It's been so hard keeping this secret, I just knew I couldn't change anything and didn't want to cause you more stress." I admit.
"I knew there was a reason for it all. I'm not upset at you Jaycee. I'm in this with you. We need to be honest to eachother about everything. If we loose that, they win, and I won't let them win." I nod agreeing with her.
"There is also one more thing Jaycee. Jessy's vitals had slightly improved before Stuart took her outside. It was why I begged him to take her to the forest and leave her in one peace. On the small chance she survives, I left her with details to your mums pack. Maybe she can help us, but I don't want to get your hopes up. Her heart beat was still very weak and the chances of an animal finding her before she recovers are high.""You're brilliant Layla. Let's hope she recovers, at least for her sake. Goodnight." I yawn.
"Goodnight Jaycee."
Viren's POV:After Dinner Alexa accompanied Coal and I, insisting the three of us go for a walk around the packs perimeter. The smell of various fruit trees and fragrant flowers lit up my senses. Come tomorrow we would be leaving and making our way back to Jeff's pack.
It was surprising how relaxed I felt here. I had to admit, watching Alexa, Alessia, Ed and Zander today, made me realise what I had been missing out on. It was why I received the wide eyes and shocked expressions when I told people I didn't have any friends or family. Was this what it was like to have friends? To say jokes, play pranks on eachother, laugh, and insult one another until tears of laughter rolled down ones face? I found myself smiling more than usual, even despite the heavy situation weighing everyone down.
The nocturnal animals run through the forest hunting down their prey. My favourite were the sounds of the owls in near by trees hooting to the silver moon shining above us. Flashes of white and silver caught my eye as they shook their large feathered wings.
Alexa's movements stopped abruptly, almost sending Coal and I crashing into her. Her head snapped to the right and her eyes looked glazed. She must have been mind linking someone. After a few seconds the sound of twigs snapping and heavy breathing steadily approached us. I took a defensive stance in front of the Luna. I knew she could protect herself however if something did happen to her, I knew Jaycee would be heart broken. I caught the small smile that graced her lips but my attention was focused on the wolf running full speed towards us.
It slowed and stopped, tilting its head at me curiously. It was then I noticed a limp figure of a girl resting on the wolfs back. She looked weak and malnourished. "I've got things from here, thank you Drake. Please give Allison and my brother a hug for me. Especially my brother, it will freak him out." She said amusement evident in her voice despite the situation.
A beautiful aroma filled my nose, as Alexa moved her hands elegantly in circular movements, though I hadn't a clue of its origin. Coal gasped in amazement and my breathing halted as a mesmerizing trail of bright blue water, shimmered and weaved around the girls limp form, making a protective net around her. The water lingering on her wounds, sparkled slightly brighter than the other threads, as they caught the moonlight. It was as though the silver rays flowed through it, as it slithered beside us above the grass.
It followed us as we ran, caring the poor girl towards the pack house along with the alluring scent. It was addictive and had my beast thrashing in his cage. It has been so long since he appeared this unsettled, it rendered me speechless.
Even though it was dark I could make out the girls chocolate coloured skin, and black head of tight curls. As we stepped through the door, a growl shook the walls. Max appeared at the top of the stair case, his black eyes fixated on the girls fragile state as she sat there suspended in the air.
"Mate." He growled out before jumping off the railing, not bothering to take the stairs. He collapsed onto his knees beneath her with open arms as the protective netter lowered her to his embrace. The protecting net of shimmering magic felt ancient and alive, as if it had a mind of its own. It lowered the girl into his awaiting arms without Alexa needing to make a move or say a word. Watching such a unique display of power sent andrenaline racing through my fluttering heart. Coal stood frozen, watching the scene unfold, just as transfixed as I was.
Max stroked a lock of curls from her face placing it behind her ear, revealing plump lips and rosy cheeks. Her eyelashes were fluttering, and her heart beat was steady. It was a good sign.
Zander stood up abruptly picking up a scent. His nose raised in the air before his face locked onto the unconscious figure in Max's arms. His wolfs black eyes appeared, before making a run towards her.
Max growl out a warning, squeezing her limp body protectively against his chest. The guttural sound told me the seriousness of the situation. He would fight his Alpha to protect his mate, should he think she was in danger.
Zanders movements paused, a frown on his face. Ella and her mate Ben stood frozen on the staircase having heard all the commotion.
"Max, I mean no harm. You know I would never hurt your mate. I just want to come closer.. I think.. I think I smell Jaycee and Layla on her.""You do." Alessia said appearing out of no where. Wisps of charcoal coloured smoke evaporated from her, the second she appeared in the doorway. With a small smile, and slow cautious steps she knelt down beside them.
"Max, put three drops of this into her mouth. It will replenish the energy she has lost and help her wake up."Alessia sat there patiently holding out a vile. After ten seconds Max finally reached for it looking into her trusting eyes. She gave him a reassuring smile before standing back up.
Max did as he was told and the girl began to stir. Her first whispered works were 'mate' bringing a small smile to Max's face.
As her eyes fluttered open they locked onto Max's. A breath I hadn't realised I was holding recalled my lips. From the sound of it, I'd say everyone in the room was holding their breath waiting for the moment she woke up.
"I.. I was sent here." She whispered reaching towards her pocket. It was only now I recognised the maids outfit. It was the same one all the girls wore at Jeff's pack. Coal and I both glanced at eachother, an unspoken understanding filled our minds. Somehow Jaycee and Layla helped her escape and lead her to safety. But how was the question.
She pulled out a pumpkin skin making everyone frown in confusion. Alexa reached down taking it slowly from her hands. Upon closer inspection you could see it had been scratched out with a inkless pen, creating shallow groves in the orange flesh.
"Jessy, find Luna Alexa – Moonlight pack. Tell her Jay saved you, and Layla sent you."Alexa gasped, her hands trembling as the information sunk in. Tears filled her eyes slowly making a trail down her cheeks. Zander approached rapping Alexa in a calming embrace as Max lifted his mate into his arms.
"Your safe now mate, they won't ever touch you again." Max promised placing a light kiss on her forehead. "My name is Max by the way, but you can call me anything you please." He said with a playful smirk.
A pink blush coated her cheeks as she smiled. "Jessy. I think that is my name." he frowned but didn't question her further about it before making his way towards the stairs.
"Wait." Her quiet voice called out making Max pause. "Blue. She's your daughter." Jessy says turning towards Alexa and Zander making the connection. They both nod their head unable to speak. "She is so brave. The strongest of us all." A large smile and tears of joy appeared on Alexa and Zanders face. Only when Coal poked at my cheeks did I realise I was smiling too. I drop it only to glare at him.
Everyone began to clear the dinning room, preparing for bed as Max took Jessy to his room to take care of her. Coal knocked on the door deciding to taking Max a plate of food in case Jessy was hungry. He gratefully accepted it, only after making Coal try a bite of everything on the plate, to make sure it wasn't poison. He definitely wasn't taking any chances. I couldn't help the laughter that erupted from my chest watching it all unfold from the ground floor. It wasn't until the shocked looks on everyone's face that I realised how out of character it was for me. I had been trying to conceal my expressions and emotions for most of my stay, only letting a smirk or smile out here and there. This was loud unrestrained laughter, which is what caused them such a shock. It appears since meeting Jaycee, my walls and barriers seem to be crumble king at an alarming rate. Straightening my spine I wished everyone Goodnight before heading off to sleep.

The Alpha's Saviour
WerewolfThis is Book 2 of the 'Destined Luna Series' (You can read as a stand alone. However it will be more enjoyable after reading: Book 1 - The Rainbow Wolf And Her Alpha.) I am Jaycee Black, future Alpha of the Moonlight pack, and a hybrid thanks to my...