Chapter 8 - A Deal

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Viren's POV

Jeff filled me in on what has been happening over the past eighteen years. He advised me that anytime they wanted to eliminate one of the hybrid prisoners, they would set it up to look like an escape, and make a spectacle of it in order to scare the other prisoners from trying to escape.
He went on to tell me that a witch named Renalda had also been quite helpful over the years. Her name sounded familiar however I couldn't place my finger on where I had heard that name before.

"Margo forced me to accept her into my pack. She always does as she is told, though I don't know anything about Margo and Renaldas arrangement." Jeff says pouring himself a glass of whisky. "Renalda's my go to person when we get new prisoners."

"What exactly is her specialty?" I ask.

"Well she is great with memory erasing spells, and illusion spells. They work on everyone. Well the memory spell only seems to be a temporary fix for one of our prisoners, but you don't need to worry about that."

"Indeed." I say letting that part of the conversation slide. I didn't want Jeff thinking I was too intrigued by it. "What about the illusion magic?"

"Well as I'm sure you know by now, this entire building is locked and secure, however the maids and bed warmers believe there is an outside area. We call it a garden, where our fruits and vegetables grow. It is actually a large room with a bunch of plants, UV lights, and the walls are painted like a forest. A few small windows are all that separates them from the outside world. They see it as a large garden surrounded by fencing and forests. There are forests on the outskirts of the facility but there would be no way they could make it that far without someone helping on the inside. Especially with our changing codes." Jeff finishes sculling his drink before pouring another. The sound of ice cubes rattle against the glass as he places it on his desk.

"Interesting. Have any tried to escape?" I ask, curious to his answer.

"No. We erase there memories so that we are all they know. We change their names and reduce possibilities of any triggers by ensuring no one is from the same pack. It is why we only take a handful of people at a time and seperate them. With no memories they have no where to go. No one to run home to." I nod in understanding.

"How about a tour?" Jeff spends the next hour showing me around the place. I was absolutely appalled by the state of the maids cells. One cell in particular had a thin sheet covered in so much blood I wondered if the poor maid was still alive. There were leaky pipes, mould growing in the corners of the large stone walls and floors, and a small bucket for toilet purposes.

"Is this maid still alive?" I ask gesturing to all the blood on the sheet. I watch Jeff's slimy grin appear on his face.

"This maid happens to be the only maid who hasn't become a bed warmer. All choose the comfort of warm water, heating, beds, a cell mate and food, and in turn give up their bodies. She refuses to no matter how much we beat her, punish her, starve her and deprive her of companionship. I believe it may have something to do with her never getting her wolf." Jeff's words snag my attention.

"If she has no wolf and you eliminate the weak why is she still alive?" I ask the only question swirling around in my head.

"She may not have a wolf but trust me, both her parents are quite powerful. There is definitely something swirling down below, we just haven't figured out how to tap into it yet." Jeff pauses hoping for a reaction. One that never comes. I want to laugh at the annoyance and disappointment that crosses his face, but I don't.

"Her parents are quite powerful?" I repeat. "It makes sense why she would be the one to refuse you." I say watching desire turn to rage in a split second.

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