Chapter 134 - Explination

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Viren's POV:

I shouldn't have been surprised he erased Jaycees memories, but the thought of having to win her trust over all over again was beyond frustrating.

I felt my anger rising with every step I took towards Jeff's office. I had demanded he wait for me and insisted on making an appearance. It wasn't out of impatience, no, I knew Margo would be keeping my lovely mate close and heavily protected, and I needed to see she was unharmed for myself.

"Our mate remembers us." My beast insists. "Not fully but her wolf remembers us. I couldn't communicate with her because of our damaged mark, but I could feel she was there. I want to bite her."

I frown. "Do you think it will reverse the damage her aunt Alessia did to us?" My beast grunts his confirmation.

"What ever this is, can't possibly be permanent. There is no way to completely break a fully mated couples mark." I say realising I had paused unmoving outside Jeff's door.

My beast gasps excitedly. I could feel the moment my anger evaporated into that of understanding. The feelings were mine by coming from my beast. 
"What am I missing?" I ask him unable to hide my curiosity.

"Alessia.. Her vision while we were in the forest... she saw Jaycee would be captured so she did this to us, to plant us inside the second camp, it was the best way to protect and rescue our mate."
"She had to make us look like enemies so our cover wouldn't be blown. It's why she didn't explain anything to us. She needed our anger and the betrayal we felt to be real and believable."

"Viren, are you okay?"

i stiffen at the sound of Margo's voice as he approaches from behind. I was so lost in this realisation that I hadn't been paying attention to his fast steps approaching. How long had I been standing outside a Jeff's door like a statue?

I clear my throat then take a calming breath before answering. "I am now." I say turning towards Margo. "I apologise for my outburst earlier. I have been though quite a lot since we last spoke."

Margo opens the door and politely waits for me to enter. Strange.. was that guilt I saw briefly flicker in his eyes? 
Margo clears his throat as he leans on the edge of Jeff's desk completely ignoring the Alpha's presence as I take a seat tot he side of the room. Jeff frowns in annoyance but was smart enough not to comment on it. He knew he was lucky to even be in our presence as we discussed such matters. 

"We have a lot to do tonight but I must admit, I'm curious to know what happened to you the night the moonlight pack attacked."

I allow some emotions to creep onto my face. Emotions I had once fought hard to hide. I channel the disgust I feel towards Jeff and Margo, reminding myself of the innocent lives lost, the abuse, and their endless need to control hybrids. 

Jeff and Margo believed my emotions were stemming from the torture they believed I faced by the hands of Jaycee and her family. I couldn't fake my emotions, Margo was too smart to fall for such things so I had to make it as genuine as possible. 
"I was on the outskirts of Jeff's pack when I was ambushed by a bunch of the moonlight pack warriors. I managed to fight off eight of them, but it wasn't without using a large amount of my magic supply. Before I could make my way towards the prison to warn Jeff and the others, Blue and one of the others vampire prisoners appeared in a ball of smoke in front of me."

Margo frowns but makes no move to interrupt me so I continue. "I managed to grab a hold of Blue before the other girl used some kind of transportation magic to relocate us close to the moonlight camp. She didn't make it as far as she hoped, so unfortunately Blue and I landed in a raging river. We were pinned against a boulder and the current was too strong to fight. We kept getting hit by large branches swept away by the current and barley made it out with our lives. 
I sustained a few broke bones and used up the last of my magic to levitate Blue and I towards the rivers edge. Before we made it to safety my magic gave way sending us free falling into the earth below. I was nocked out and had sustained a few broken bones. When I came to, many hours later I might add, I was detained by the Alpha, Luna and their pack. It didn't take long for them to discover the role I had played with Blue so they decided to torture me rather than kill me."

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