Chapter 18 - Devious

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Blue's POV:

As my attention focused on the average female size wolf before me, I took a defensive stance. Her fur was the same colour as her blonde hair, except she had light brown spots around her face and ear. The fur around her head was thin due to me pulling out some of her hair. 
She growled angrily flashing me her sharp teeth before leaping towards me. Most of the chickens scattered, franticly flapping towards the safely of their coop. Others however, weren't so lucky and were trampled or bitten during Rachel's attack.

Her right claws swung through the air aiming for my side. I was surprised she didn't go for my face, then realised she wanted to hurt me somewhere less visible. 
I rolled under her, landing with my palms flat on the ground. I used my feet to kick hard at her left foot. I could tell she had a previous injury to it by the way the fur thinned out, meaning a deep scar or existing injury was her best weak spot. How I knew how to analyse her weaknesses, I wasn't quite sure.

A whine of pain mixed with fury echoed around the large field as she spun around. Stuart looked enraged at the fact I had injured his mate, but also looked torn at the idea of interfering. If he interfered in a fight between a weak slave and a wolf, it would only make Rachel look weak to all the other guards. 
her wolf waisted no time going for my face, though this time I let her. As I braced for impact I made sure to give her a slight smile. 
It took her a millisecond to realise why I was smiling but by that stage it was too late. The best she could do was aim at my cheek rather than my eye, which I was more than grateful for. As her sharp dirty claws sliced deep into my flesh, the feeling of my warm blood began to run down my face and onto my clothes. 
There was so much blood even the grass below my feet seemed to be covered in droplets.

A shrill scream emerged from Blacks throat so loudly, I had to cover my ears. I turned to reassure her that I was okay, but soon realised that hidden beneath all her worry and anger was another emotion. She was proud of me. A sliver of excitement was present also, as a large group of guards came rushing out to see what had happened. She had screamed on purpose to attract attention and it was quite the scene. Always the actress I thought to myself. 
"How.. how could you do this to Stuart!" Black yelled at Rachel stunning most of the guards and a handful of slaves that were in the garden near by. Even I was slightly confused by her words. I knew she didn't give a crap about him, but he played into her hands so beautifully. Besides no one could know how she felt towards me or they would separate us for sure. 
Once she registered the confusion on Stuart's face she spoke again risking punishment. "You know he is in charge of us and will get the blame along with Jeff if Viren sees this."

I looked into Stuart's eyes and watched as confusion morphed into horror as the pieces clicked. Even without my wolf's help I'd be able to hear the steady increase of his beating heart. 
This time I didn't need to pretend or act, as my limbs began to tingle and my vision began to blur. Just before my body welcomed the ground below with open arms, I saw A tall figure approach, and the murderous rage burning deep inside his soul, and for once I was glad for the blood loss shielding me from the inevitable pain that was to surround me.


"Jump to the side, roll, now kick! Good and repeat."

As I opened my eyes I was on a training field. I was defending myself against a large wolf in my human form. My father stood to the side directing me. 
"Great now always remember rogues rely on their wolf form as it is stronger than our human forms. You need to use their size to your advantage. They will usually underestimate you, so use speed against them. You can manoeuvre better in your human form. Jump on top of them, roll beneath them, kick them where it huts. Remember to never use the same move twice and always look for weaknesses. Don't become predictable as you don't know who is watching you."

"Yes dad, I think I got it now." I reply jumping on top of the brown wolf in front of me. I wrap my arms around his neck, then jump off his back as he throws himself to the ground in a hope to crush me. I land on his stomach pretending to slice it with a dull stick. 
"Haha gotcha Max! If that was one of my knives you would have been dead."

He uses his leg to kick the stick out of my hand before sticking his tongue out the side of his mouth, in what would be a wolf grin. I turn as he transforms back to his human form and wait for him to dress.

"Nice work today Jay! You've come a long way. Soon with the amount of training you will be doing, your body will know it's moves before you do. It will come in handy one day I'm sure.

The vision faded then changed to another. This time I was in the same cell. Another guard I didn't recognise grabbed me by the throat. "How dare you look at me you disgusting excuse for a wolf. Even your wolf doesn't want you. I felt the familiar burn and desperate need to gasp for air. Just as he let my body fall to the ground I felt the sting of recent wounds litter my limbs.

"If you weren't so disobedient and covered in scares and blood, I would take you where you stand. You know it's bad when even I don't want you." The anger and frustration I saw briefly in the guards eyes, were enough to make me realise I had been doing this to myself. I made sure to look bad so they wouldn't rape me. In my dream it looked like a few days had gone by. A guard ran in unlocking my cell one morning looking panicked.

"Everyone has been summoned for an emergency meeting." As he dragged me by the silver chained collar, I was lead to the dinning room. Although the collar didn't burn me due to not having a wolf, it was very degrading. I believe it was another form of punishment they must have used on me. 
The tables were pushed to the outer walls and everyone stood in a circle around Alpha Jeff who was angrily pacing in the centre. 
With a strong loud voice he began to speak occasionally making eye contact with all the guards in the room. 
"Lilliana was very close to deciding to transfer from a slave to a bed warmer. When I walked into her cell his morning expecting to hear those words, I found her bloodied and bruised, especially between her legs."

I head gasps from everyone around me and looked up to see everyone's emotions. Surprise was worn on everyone's face, however one persons emotions didn't match. The guard who had attacked me a few days before felt fearful and angry. I knew instantly it was him that had committed the crime. He had raped Lilliana who was an eighteen year old girl who was recently kidnapped and brought here like the rest of us.

Using an alpha command Jeff's words caught everyone's attention. "Step forward if you raped Lilliana yesterday."

Everyone's eyes were frantically scanning other faces in the room, though mine zeroed in on the guilty guard. I watched as he fought the command. His body convulsed from the pain instantly making him stand out in the crowd. As Jeff's eyes landed on him the man stepped forward unable to fight the Alphas command any longer.

"Why?" Jeff's instantly calm composure, and the way his words left his mouth had me on high alert. I'd prefer angry Jeff over calm analysing Jeff any day.

"You always deflower all the girls, I wanted to be the one this time." The man spoke his mind knowing either way he wouldn't get out of this one.

"Hmm, so because I, your Alpha choose to be the one to deflower all the girls, you got jealous and wanted to stick your hand in the cookie jar first. Unfortunately for you, you didn't just disrespect your Alpha, you broke our only rule. She was still regarded as a Slave and the punishment for raping a slave is death."

I watched the scene unfold around me. My mind was begging me to close my eyes or turn away, but my body was frozen unable to move. Jeff's hands wrapped around the guards neck. He barely had time to widened his eyes before his neck was twisted and snapped. 
My teeth clenched onto my tongue biting down my scream, but my body crumpled to the floor in a heap of unmovable limbs. I felt everything in that split second. All his bones breaking, the spinal cord being detached and the incredibly debilitating amount of fear and regret of his actions. I wondered if feeling death would be enough to kill me. To end my misery.. but it wasn't. To everyone else it looked like I had fainted, and I would have to keep it that way if I wanted to survive.

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